Anyone else besides Acie and I enjoy the Smashing Pumpkins?


Active Member
Jan 20, 2004
Behind the mist.
I was skeptical when I heard about the reunion because Billy Corgan a tool of the church now. They have a new album coming out in like five days and there's a new track at if anyone cares to sample it.

It's not the best, but it grows on you. I'm hoping that it's just the crap radio single of the album and that the rest is better. Time will tell. Either way, this band used to be 100% incredible, and nothing will ever change what used to be.
I saw them get boo'ed off the stage when opening for the Chili Peppers in the late 80's. They were totally unknown, they were fucking awful, and people were throwing shit the entire time they were on stage. A year or two later they were huge and I bet those same people who were throwing shit were first in line for tickets when they toured. Lemmings.

I like some of their older heavier stuff but, yeah, the voice is awful.