Anyone else besides me like Queens Of The Stone Age?

Queens of the Stone Age are pretty good, but I didn't really like Songs for the Deaf very much. Rated R > S/T > Songs for the Deaf, in my opinion. Also, the band a couple of members were formerly in, Kyuss, are far superior. As for their albums, I prefer them in the order Blues for the Red Sun > Welcome to Sky Valley > ...And the Circus Leaves Town, though I still haven't heard Wretch yet.
I don't have any Stone Age but I do like Kyuss. I have the albums you mentioned adammcauley100. I don't have Wretch either.
I am in totally in the same opinion as Adam Cauley. Queens of the Stone Age had a few killer catchy songs, but the rest of the album was made up of too much filler, like every other mainstream rock band.
Rated R didn’t do much for me although I like some of the songs (“Feel Good Hit of the Summer”, “Leg of Lamb”, “Better Living Through Chemistry”). IMO Songs for the Deaf is much better.

Judging by the Live Tracks form their website The Eagles of Death Metal seem good too.
I like Queens of the Stone Age. I saw them in concert and they were really good. I liked them a lot more after the concert, maybe i just saw their music in the way it was meant to be seen.