Anyone else hear this?


Dee Snider & TS are in the studio right now re-recording Stay Hungry?!
What?! I don't know about you, but I didn't think that was even a record worth re-recording! I had heard about 2 years ago that the band wanted to remaster the disc & issue it with some extras.
Remastering and reissuing with extras would be cool, but does it need to be re-recorded? I don't think so...
I'm with Hawk! I know that most people despise re-recordings but I actually do like many of em. Testament proved with First Strike Still Deadly how good such can be done. The old tracks Destruction and Venom re-did are also just killer. So I'd say let's wait and judge on the quality and not the mere info.

An album like "Stay Hungry", its entire charm is its original sound. The songwriting (with the exception of The Price) is really nothing worth giving a modern production to... the whole charm of the album is its raw, fun '80s spirit and re-recording it in 2004 is gonna kill that.
It's cool when a band re-records an old song but a complete album is another thing. Like Trixxi said, it's not just about the songs on an old album but also about the "sound" and the mood and energy. Re-recording a complete album also smells of have no ideas left.... can't come up with anything new? ... just re-do an old hit. All it will take is one old band to have a little succsess doing this and then ALL of the other bands will copy them. Next thing you know there will be 2 versions of all the old classics.
Yep exactly. Re-recording Stay Hungry would be like Poison re-recording Look What The Cat Dragged In or Motley Crue re-recording Too Fast For Love. They are albums that NEED that original, fresh, raw quality to them. Half the the appeal of those albums is how they capture the vibe of the scene at the time.
Greeno said:
It's cool when a band re-records an old song but a complete album is another thing.
Okay, I'd appreciate it even more if they did a re-recording of the best tracks from all their albums. Still I think we should wait with our judgement until we know what we're talking about. And about that sound thing - this actually reminds me of the neverending preaching of narrow-minded Black Metal fans about how much sucky production adds to the atmosphere. How can you tell when you've never tried? I say: wait, listen and then judge!
Hey I'm all for good production, I love good production. It's just that with certain albums, half of their charm is the spirit & vibe that the album captures. It's hard to re-create that so I don't think it should be fucked with.
DrillSergeant said:
Okay, I'd appreciate it even more if they did a re-recording of the best tracks from all their albums. Still I think we should wait with our judgement until we know what we're talking about. And about that sound thing - this actually reminds me of the neverending preaching of narrow-minded Black Metal fans about how much sucky production adds to the atmosphere. How can you tell when you've never tried? I say: wait, listen and then judge!

I'm not pre judging what the album will sound like, we've all heard it a million times through the years.... it's good. Or should I say "it's already good". The new version will just have a better production to it, that's all.

It does not matter if the new version of the album is killer or if it sucks..... IT'S WRONG! It's nothing more than a gimmick to milk more money from the fans and all I can say is not this fan (yes I am a fan and would by a REAL new TS album). If they really wanted to do something for the fans of that album then why not re-issue it as a double disc set with bonus demo and live tracks along with a couple re-recorded songs. For the life of me, other than money, I don't understand what their goal is with this. If they do do this it will rank up there with what Ozzy (or more likely Sharon) did with his first couple of albums.... re-recording the drums and bass just so he would not have to pay the original musicians royalties.

I'm sure if TS re-records the album it will sound great, these days a "killer production" can be had by anyone with a little money...... but it's still wrong.
I wouldn't mind, I like Stay Hungry. Why not just remaster, did they?? Just as long as they don't fuck up the original. That's what bothers me remixes or whatever they call them. Look at he maiden and priest remasters, and the king diamond's. I had to buy a few favorites because of the extra songs and sound.
DrillSergeant said:
Okay, I'd appreciate it even more if they did a re-recording of the best tracks from all their albums. Still I think we should wait with our judgement until we know what we're talking about. And about that sound thing - this actually reminds me of the neverending preaching of narrow-minded Black Metal fans about how much sucky production adds to the atmosphere. How can you tell when you've never tried? I say: wait, listen and then judge!
Well, with regards to Black Metal, if you want polished production there you can listen to Dark Funeral or (dare I say it) Cradle Of Filth or Dimmu Borgir. Some raw production really does help for some...well, rawness, aggression, energy. Not always but there's method to the madness.