anyone ever seen danzig?

Thrash fiend

Apr 21, 2005
yo guys, has anyone seen danzig live?! im shittin maself cos i doubt ill ever get to see him as i live in scotland and i think the blackest.... tour will be his last!! so does anyone have any cool stories about danzig live? cos id sure like to hear them as a consalation prize!!
I don't have any cool stories about the shows because it feels like ages since I saw him and I'm HORRIBLE at remember what songs were played, etc. All I remember is that I had great times at both shows although my friend got hurt at one due to her own negligence. I saw him twice: Once with Type O, I believe, at the Starland Ballroom and once with Suicidal Tendencies and Metallica at the PNC Art Center. Oh, and I touched him. Wait, thats a memory for me. Nevermind.

I saw him in a small club in Santa Monica one night(1990 or 1991) for Rikki Rachtman's birthday. Great show but he didn't play "Mother".

Ice T also played with Body Count that nite - he was cool. I remember Ice T saying

:headbang: "Do you drive on Warrant Way or Anthrax Ave?" :headbang:

And oh I had some of these :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: in Bud Longneck form.
The only memory i have of Danzig (never a fan sorry) was getting lost mountain climbing with a mate a couple of years ago and singing (mainstream) songs in the vocal style of Glen or Keith from LOA to keep our spirits up. very similar if you ask me but then again i'm an idiot.
Jockthrax said:
The only memory i have of Danzig (never a fan sorry) was getting lost mountain climbing with a mate a couple of years ago and singing (mainstream) songs in the vocal style of Glen or Keith from LOA to keep our spirits up. very similar if you ask me but then again i'm an idiot.

lol thats actually hilariuos! something i would old is glenn nowadays anyway must eb a good 55?!
I thought I saw him once, but he was too tall. Turned out it was a leprechaun. I chased him down, but he got away from me.
Seen em at the Mann Music Center in Philly with Suicidal and Metallica back in 94.He is a small dude,his belt buckle just about took up his whole waist lol.Was a great show dispite my buddy getting drunk and locking his keys in his car then he had the bright idea to break the window out with a beer bottle.A couple of stiches and a few hours later we made it home picking glass out of our ass.
how old is glenn nowadays anyway must eb a good 55?!
actually he just turned 50. he's still been doing music since the misfits in the late 70's. i've seen him about 20 times over the last 15 years or so. he looks like he'd be mean or an ass but he's actually was a nice guy when i met him. this tour will probley be his last but, no one hangs around forever. there's a lot of bands who should have done their last tour a long time ago.
Seen em at the Mann Music Center in Philly with Suicidal and Metallica back in 94

saw that show in chicago where he came out at the end of metallica's set and did last carres, greenhell and, london dungeon. that was pretty cool.
botb will feature the doyle reunion set at every gig if your an old school misfits fan.
Seen him twice years ago during the Lucifuge and the HTGK tours. I don't really remember anything special about those gigs except that they were great shows.
Danzig really went downhill after HTGK IMO and I havn't really kept up with them since.
I saw him with Metallica and Suicidal in Weedsport NY. The only thing that really stands out in my memory is the fact he played "When death had no name"--truly a killer track
DarbysDad said:
I saw him in a small club in Santa Monica one night(1990 or 1991) for Rikki Rachtman's birthday. Great show but he didn't play "Mother".

Ice T also played with Body Count that nite - he was cool. I remember Ice T saying

:headbang: "Do you drive on Warrant Way or Anthrax Ave?" :headbang:

And oh I had some of these :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: in Bud Longneck form.

Warant way or Anthrax ave!!!!!!!!!!!!!
classic!!!!!!!!!!!! Ice is one cool mf'er!!!!!!!!
Saw them in Nottingham, England on the HTGK tour. It was a good show, but they kind of got upstaged by the unknown White Zombie, who were opening (obviously, this was before WZ got on MTV). I think the first four Danzig records are great. After the musicians left, it all went a bit like that new guy's avatar.

Jockthrax's story reminds me of a similar Danzig-related form of entertainment that used to keep me and my mates amused for hours in the early 90s: Singing Primus songs in a Glenn Danzig voice, or Danzig songs in a Les Claypool voice. You'd be amazed how long this stays hilarious. Obviously you have to imitate the pose, facial expression, behavioural tics etc too.
Thrash fiend said:
yo guys, has anyone seen danzig live?! im shittin maself cos i doubt ill ever get to see him as i live in scotland and i think the blackest.... tour will be his last!! so does anyone have any cool stories about danzig live? cos id sure like to hear them as a consalation prize!!

I saw him get knocked the hell out on the internet....If that helps:D
I saw him at ozzfest 96 in san bernadino ca, he was good but sepultura played before him,slayer then ozzy afterwords,so you guys can guess who was better.

Hes coming to my hometown of san diego in september if he is doing that misfits thing I might go.