Anyone familiar with a band named "Falconer"?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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I heard some samples on Amazon...the singer's voice is unique and amazing...much different than the usual cookie cutter vocals that practically every power metal (flower metal?) band employs.
I understand that this singer is no longer with the band, and appeared on their 1st 2 or 3 records only.

How are these first 2/3 albums?
SoundMaster said:
I heard some samples on Amazon...the singer's voice is unique and amazing...much different than the usual cookie cutter vocals that practically every power metal (flower metal?) band employs.
I understand that this singer is no longer with the band, and appeared on their 1st 2 or 3 records only.

How are these first 2/3 albums?

I've heard Falconer, albeit a while ago. From what I remember, they were actually pretty damn good. The guitar work was pretty standard power metal, but like most bands in the genre, showed real talent; and the vocals were indeed pretty enjoyable to listen to. Other than that, I don't remember a whole lot about them, and don't have the albums on hand at the moment for a refresher, unfortunately. :(
Falconer it's indeed a different band in the power metal field, incorporating some folk vibe (not like Skyclad tho). The singer in the two first albums it's most definitively the difference, since his vocals are very deep and suave at the same time.

I got both the s/t debut and "Chapters From A Vale Forlorn" and both are worth to have (I bought both used on the same week so that was a plus :D )

After Mathias Blad left I didn't care much about the band.
I've got all their albums(S/T,Chapters From A Vale Forlorn,The Sceptre Of Deception and Grime Vs Grandeur)Like them very much.I preffer Blad voice much more than Göbel but he is also good.Watch them live twice with both vocals and Blad is so passive on stage while Göbel act like true frontman.On last album they lost that folk touch(sadly) and go to straight power.When I heard that I was litlle affraid how's that fit but IMO they do very good job.
SoundMaster, I know you'd like Falconer. Not amazing, but good and unique. I only ever had the first album, but I liked it. Not sure what happened to that copy.

Now I'm more convinced than ever that you'd like Hammers of Misfortune too.
Here's a link to some MP3s. The songs from the album "The Bastard," are kind of in that same vein - folky, woodsy metal, somehow minus the cheese factor. That album is a concept record. All their records are good.
ElectricWiz said:
SoundMaster, I know you'd like Falconer. Not amazing, but good and unique. I only ever had the first album, but I liked it. Not sure what happened to that copy.

Now I'm more convinced than ever that you'd like Hammers of Misfortune too.
Here's a link to some MP3s. The songs from the album "The Bastard," are kind of in that same vein - folky, woodsy metal, somehow minus the cheese factor. That album is a concept record. All their records are good.

Holy crap! You're right! "Insect" is awesome! I shall get this!
SoundMaster said:
I heard some samples on Amazon...the singer's voice is unique and amazing...much different than the usual cookie cutter vocals that practically every power metal (flower metal?) band employs.
I understand that this singer is no longer with the band, and appeared on their 1st 2 or 3 records only.

How are these first 2/3 albums?

yes falconer fuckin kicks ass. all the records are great. although, honestly, i think their 1st is the best and the order goes down with their other 2. 2nd is 2nd best, 3rd is 3rd best. i really suggest picking up the first album, even if you dont want all of em...really great stuff.
SoundMaster said:
Holy crap! You're right! "Insect" is awesome! I shall get this!

Cool. Hammers and Slough Feg are the two coolest metal bands I've had the good fortune to be able to say were from the area I live in, San Francisco. I've talked to guys from both bands briefly at shows (they are kinda sister bands, John Cobbet and Mike Scalzi are in both bands) and they don't give a shit about how big they never get. All their stuff is truly awesome. I didn't even know they were from here until after I'd had their records awhile. They are just cool old-school metal guys. Brocas Helm is from here too, and I saw them with Slough Feg at a gay bar recently. The sign on the door that night said "It's metallicious!" It was hilarious, and a great show. Brocas is huge in Greece, and old-school from the 80s. There's a review of the new Slough Feg up on right now. They RAVE about it. Though I haven't run into it yet in a store.

Oh, Metallica is from here too, but that doesn't count. Ha.
The first two Falconer releases are really one of the more original in the seemingly endless sea of European metal bands...
Perfectly combined folk melodies with metal songwriting and a singer (Blad) who has a really soft baritone voice, but with great phrasing and expression.
Göbel sung very much like him on his first album with the band (even on the tour), to the point where you almost couldn't hear the difference (except for Göbel's extended high range), but changed the style radically on the latest release (supposedly to his own liking).

For me the band somehow lost the magic from the first two releases, as if it has gone with Blad.
they changed vocalist a while ago. i still prefer the one from 'chapters of a tale forlorn' or i think it was called. they made some really good songs. and the ballad 'portals of light' still remains wonderful.