Anyone familiar with Ashes To Ashes?

Oct 13, 2002
The Womb Of WA
Anyone familiar with this band? I think their "Shapes Of Spirits" album is one of the greatest epic doom pieces I've ever heard. The second release, "Cardinal VII", sounds a little different than the debut. Fans of Anathema, Katatonia, Candlemass, etc should check em out if they haven't yet done so. They are from Norway.
Damn you people are anal! Christ, have any of you even heard the band, or do you guys just like to bitch? Telling you they are from Norway was just added info I know about the band. And I type in odd colors because my computers settings for some reason is black on black when replying (just on this board though), so I have to select another color so I can see what I am typing.

cover looks good like
intet said:

Its really too bad there are so many ignorant fucktards such as yourself in this scene. You've never heard the band, yet have no problem commenting on the content.

You know, I don't like the name 'intet', but at least I have plenty of good and logical reasons to dislike you.
toolsofthetrade said:
dont be so uptight an all, cos hes just trying to get under yer skin mate :D
Oh I'm not upset, not even on little gaytet's best day could he ever raise my stress level. I'm just dishing back the same shit he's serving.