Anyone familiar with Glenn Hughes' solo output?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Has anyone here heard any of Glenn Hughes' recent solo output? It's unbelievably awesome!!

Most of what he's released over the last decade is similar to "Burn/Stormbringer"
era Deep Purple with a strong hint of the post-Blackmore "Come Taste the Band" record. Another comparison is to the recent "Dep Sessions" record with the great Tony Iommi.

It is a hybrid of hardrock / soul / metal / funk! GREAT STUFF!.
He's also done two records with Joe Lynne Turner, formerly of Rainbow, which are surpisingly awesome records!!

For metal fans with an open mind, I highly recommend giving him a listen.

records to try:
Building the Machine 2001
The Way It Is 1999
Addiction 1997
Songs in the Key of Rock 2003
Return of Crystal Karma 2000
HTP (Hughes/Turner Project) 2002
HTP2 (Hughes/Turner) 2003
Seriously, I'm familiar with hius work with Sabbath & Iommi, and the DP era that he was a part of, but nothing in the way of "official" solo material. I did have a cassette back in the day of his blues influence record that he did on the sharpnel label. He has Mick Mars playing on a couple of tracks, this has been the "only" record that Mick Mars has ever been a part of that hasn't been Motley Crue(on record).
SoundMaster said:
HTP (Hughes/Turner Project) 2002

I do believe I meant to buy this back in the day...ooops :erk:

I probably should be looking into this stuff cos I love his shit in Deep Purple and quite fond of the Seventh Star album...great voice, that man...
He he, my pleasure, Soundmaster. That album has entertained me for many, many hours. It's great on road trips! Hardcore metalheads wouldn't like it because it has some ballady stuff on it (it's a rock opera, so you have to use mellow to offset the heavy). Hard rock and Glenn Hughes fans should enjoy this immensely.

I can make some songs available to you, Soundmaster. Just PM me if you're interested.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Hey Soundmaster, have you heard Nikolo Kotzev's Nostradamus? It's a 2 cd concept album from Mr. Kotzev featuring Glenn Hughes and Joe Lynn Turner on the vox.

Nostradameus is an EXCELLENT cd! Glenn Hughes' best work since 7th Star.