Anyone going to David Shankle Group this Saturday 2/23?

Anyone going to this? Im planning on being there.


That 4 without band looks pretty terrible, so i'll be leaving after DSG.
Shankle himself is a tool. His band though from song samples is decent enough. At the Exciter show he did his 15 minute solo act and it was one of the most embarassing things I have seen at a show.
Shankle himself is a tool. His band though from song samples is decent enough. At the Exciter show he did his 15 minute solo act and it was one of the most embarassing things I have seen at a show.

Yea, him by himself is pretty boring just shredding over a backing track. I saw him at Railroad Days a few years ago and thats what he did for 20 minutes, so i feel your pain. Hes a nice dude though.

And I like the DSG band thats why im going. If it was just him, i'd pass.