Anyone going to Summer Breeze?

Originally posted by OpethianSoul

Take me with you. *grabs your leg* :p

Think you can fit in my luggage?

You could always eliminate my husband and go in his place, but then you'd have to pledge yourself to cook yummy vegan meals for me for the rest of your life, and put me through grad school. Probably not worth it. ;)
It is a pretty big job, looking after me. (and he has really big feet too)

I'm planning on packing light, so I might have an empty suitcase. But I refuse to take you if you plan on suffocating or freezing to death in the cargo hold.
I'll bring a warm blanket and a small oxygen tank so I don't freeze or suffocate down there. I have really big feet, too.

So, I guess that covers everything. Where should we meet before we leave for Germany? :p
I might go there, but I'm not sure yet...
Most of the bands that are confirmed I've already seen several times, and it's some hundred kilometers away.

And I'll definitely go to Wacken at the beginning of August.

But some of my friends plan on going there, so if I have the money I might join them. :)
Originally posted by OpethianSoul
I'll bring a warm blanket and a small oxygen tank so I don't freeze or suffocate down there. I have really big feet, too.

So, I guess that covers everything. Where should we meet before we leave for Germany? :p

You can come north and hang out in Toronto before we leave since that's where we'll be flying from. :)

(but if you're feet are really big, will you really be able to squeeze them in the suitcase?) :p