Anyone have experience with this 1x12?


Apr 4, 2013
Buffalo Grove, IL
So, a guy on Craigslist is selling one of these VHT Special 6 1x12 cabs for $100. I'm been looking for a 1x12 for at home use and was curious if anyone has ever used these. I play an Orange Micro Terror and really want to pick up something to work on micing cabs instead of simulating everything in the box. Anyone think this would be a decent buy?
I was hunting for a 1x12" a few months ago, and looked into that as well. Didn't really get to try one, but I kept reading the speaker is fizzy.

Have a look into the bigger Jet City 1x12 cab too. It's also made of plywood, and the speaker seems decent-sounding from the clips I've heard. Around the same price range too.

I ended up going for a Vox Night-whatever 1x12. The speaker is awesome, it's a custom Vox-Celestion greenback, but the cab itself is a POS. The thin grill cloth gets loose very easily, and I stripped several screwholes when I took it apart to take the speaker out to test it in my 4x12.

So... yeah, probably didn't answer your question, but I thought I'd give you a heads up anyway.