Anyone heard of Tears?


angelus ex inferis
Aug 26, 2001
locked in the attic
Visit site
Has anyone heard of a Finnish metal band called Tears (or having Tears in the name)? I'm desperately trying to find some info about these guys. All I know is they are Finnish.. I dowloaded fours songs a while ago from a url that was posted on one of the UM forums, the song titles are: Fail, Funeral, Nothing and Pieces. The style is unique, reminds me of Anathema, Katatonia and Lake of Tears.. Nothing by/about them on the P2P networks and Google..:(

Any help is greatly appreciated.:)
Originally posted by Useful Idiot
Never heard of them, but I looked around and found this.


The review is a little harsh though.. and inaccurate, woudn't call them pop or gothic.. or repetitive.. A very mature demo IMO. I hope they'll be releasing a full album soon.

And thanks for the other suggestions, I was surprised with number of Finnish metal bands with "Tears" in the name..:)