Anyone heard the new Time Requiem?


Dec 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
I just got the album today ("The Inner Circle Of Reality"), and I must say I'm impressed. It's at least as good as the first one (which I also hold in high regard), and with time I may like it better. The composition is top-class, and the vocalist is great; and he even sounds like Russell more on the new disc. Great stuff.

Anyone else have a thought?
dude, I loved the first one, but I must say it needed more guitar solos. He was a decent guitar player and wasn't really living up to his potential. I read reviews on various websites that the new album is very keyboard heavy and would only appeal to keyboardists who love a keyboard driven band. Being a drummer, I really don't care about much except the drumming, but I guess I am spoiled by symphony x. After hearing them (sym x), you just know if something is missing. I the first one had some sick drumming in it, and I am a little anxious to hear the new one as well.
i hafta say that i dont think this one is as good as their first. it sorta seems that they're trying to be too serious or something. i still like it. andersson is still frkn awesome. i hafta complain about the drumming though. i was likin Peter Wildoer, and their first bassist (i dont wanna mess up spelling his name) a little more than the new ones. meh. i wasnt really too impressed with the vocals either. i dunno, i'd still give it an 8 outa 10, but i was expecting a 10 outa 10. some of the things on it are *technical just to be technical* it seems. and its too short! i dunno, cuz i REALLY like it, but theres just some things that i woulda expected that didnt happen. ...can i get a drum solo? im not talkin about that pathetic/awkward/funny drum solo on the keyboard (i hope) in the middle of a kick ass instrumental section on the title track. i was waiting for a real drum solo, and then it was over. they did a good job of not ripping many people off on this cd, although there are a few things that are like other stuff. i swear i heard him do the same keyboard solo somewhere on there as on the first time requiem or on space odyssey. the first song, when it gets all heavy and fast, kinda sounds like SX's evolution, or sea of lies, with that keyboard doing that melody (i think its the same voice, too). i really really like the cd, dont get me wrong. the drummer is pretty repetitive, also. between space odyssey and this new time requiem cd, i cant count on one hand how many times i hear the same fill. he's alright though. i guess im just being a bitch about it, and i know ya cant make 2 cds of that quality stuff that doesnt sound even the slightest bit similar. but there is NO EXCUSE for track 5 on the space odyssey cd, *the house with a hundred windows*. listen to that, then listen to Dream Theater's *Ytse Jam*, and tell me if you notice a slight similarity. and i still like space odyssey. imma stop before i make some enemies here. overall, its a good cd. if your thinkin about getting it, get it. but ... get it from because i wouldnt spend like 20 bucks on this. 12 bucks is worth it though. also, im pissed theres no guy talkin in that voice like that face from Power Rangers on it!:yell: (like at the end of track 1 from the first time requiem cd, and prolly somewhere on space odyssey) and one more complaint. the beginning of the second song screams out that andersson has regrets for leaving adagio.
I think Zoltan Czorsz is way better than the drummer on the first album; Zoltan is one of the most amazingly precise drummers I've ever heard. I don't remember anything special about the first drummer, and I don't remember any drum solos on the first disc either. It's interesting to see Zoltan out of the "jazz/progrock" context and playing some power metal-ish type drumming.

As for the bassist (Jonas Reingold), he totally outclasses the first guy. Just listen to some of his work on the latest Flower Kings album. This guy is as good (or better) than Jaco Pastorius, and plays in much the same style. He's pretty low-key on this album because, well, it's neo-classical metal; not very much emphasis on the bass. Still, it's nice to see him playing a style other than his usual jazz-fusion-esque stuff.

Hehe, as for that talking voice on the first album, that was kinda neat, but that female voice in the title track is HORRIBLE! I cringe every time I listen to it. :p

There are a few wicked guitar solos on the new album, but considering that the whole thing was written by Andersson, a heavy keyboard aspect is to be expected.

After listening to the new album more, I've realized that it's not quite as wanky as the first one. I mean, "Brutal Mentor"? Almost TOO wanky (forgiveth my blasphemous thought, o ye gods of prog). Not complaining, though, great song.

I do think the album is too short.
i meant the first bassist's name. dick someone. i dont think my computer can make summa the letters in his last name. zoltan is alright, and precise, but i dont like his name. isnt zoltan the bad guy from toy story or sum'm? haha that female voice is the ultimate cringinator! the first drummer, Peter Wildoer (see? normal first name, lol) had one little drum solo in brutal mentor. i know *Zoltan* is good, prolly as good or better then Peter. ...and theres sum'm i've been wondering since the first day i'd hearda andersson. will someone please take the time and count how many times the phrase "for real" is said in Time Requiem, Space Odyssey, Majestic, and if anyone has any of andersson's other bands, like Zool (another crappy name. wasnt that something from Ghost Busters?), Karmakanic, etc. lemme know. it hasta be over 50 times. *Zoltan* and Jonas are also in this band that i randomly picked up in a cd store called The Tangent. any word on them?
The Tangent rules if you're into progressive rock. I highly recommend their album.

After listening to the first Time Requiem album again, I realized that the drummer is really good. Strange, I remember him being mediocre. Ah well, mea culpa.

Haha, "for real" does come up a lot it the Requiem albums. It sounds pretty silly too when the singer says it.

Um... I think the production is about the same, maybe a shade better on the new one. I don't recall anything wrong with the vocals on the first album.

The vocalist does seem to have a stronger accent in the new album, though. How strange.

v01c354nd51gn5 said:
i meant the first bassist's name. dick someone. i dont think my computer can make summa the letters in his last name. zoltan is alright, and precise, but i dont like his name. isnt zoltan the bad guy from toy story or sum'm? haha that female voice is the ultimate cringinator! the first drummer, Peter Wildoer (see? normal first name, lol) had one little drum solo in brutal mentor. i know *Zoltan* is good, prolly as good or better then Peter. ...and theres sum'm i've been wondering since the first day i'd hearda andersson. will someone please take the time and count how many times the phrase "for real" is said in Time Requiem, Space Odyssey, Majestic, and if anyone has any of andersson's other bands, like Zool (another crappy name. wasnt that something from Ghost Busters?), Karmakanic, etc. lemme know. it hasta be over 50 times. *Zoltan* and Jonas are also in this band that i randomly picked up in a cd store called The Tangent. any word on them?
Karmakanic isn't one of Andersson's bands. He plays a keyboard solo on one song, but that's it.
Did that album release in the U.S.? I just ordered a bunch of cd's and was going to get both Time Requiem albums because I finally was able to get the first and the second was about to release so I went ahead and was going to get it too. But when my order was being ordered I was told that they had no plans of getting the new one and that is was only being released in Europe for the time being?
symphonyXjapan said:
Did that album release in the U.S.? I just ordered a bunch of cd's and was going to get both Time Requiem albums because I finally was able to get the first and the second was about to release so I went ahead and was going to get it too. But when my order was being ordered I was told that they had no plans of getting the new one and that is was only being released in Europe for the time being? they should have it. thats where i got mine from atleast. (both albums)
Just started to check it out. I dig the vocals although the singer isn't that good sounding when he goes low. Arrangements are sick and it's very catchy though.

I hope they lose the label as a Symphony X clone and start to get respected as what they are.
arglebargle said:
I don't remember anything special about the first drummer, and I don't remember any drum solos on the first disc either. It's interesting to see Zoltan out of the "jazz/progrock" context and playing some power metal-ish type drumming.
The drumming Wildoer did on Time Requiem is nothing special and not representative at all of his talent. Check out his stuff on Darkane and the drumming he did on the soon to be released Electrocution 250 album.