anyone here ever. . .

. . . read the satanic bible by lavey? i'm not really into pagaism/heathenism/satanism, but some of the stuff i've read about the book sounds really interesting and relevant. from what i hear, it is basically a shunning of conformity and an emphasis on individualism, stuff that i myself believe in and aspire to. anyone here that has read it care to explain deeper?
I should definately try reading this.I think it's an interesting concept that the Satanic Bible is more about rejecting conformity and emphasising individualism than about an actual "Satan". There's so much about Satanism that I don't know *sigh*:lol: :rolleyes:
what are the "11 Satanic Rules"?
That sounds like something I would take great interest in. I must find it somewhere. I believe that Satanism is actually more about rejecting the conformist values and such of other religions than truly worshipping Satan. Of course, some people do strictly worship Satan, but it's often used as an alternative to the bullshit that the Godreligion people try to make us believe in.
I think that Satanism is used as an alternative to many things,mostly organized religion in general.Was Satanism ever used specifically to worship a "devil"?Or does the idea of Satanism change for every new decade?Like a few decades Satan was an actual thing and there was a real devil that ppl worshiped but now the order dedicated to it is a means for self dicovery?
I have read the Satanic Bible, and I thought it was an interesting read. As has been previously stated, it mostly takes a very humanistic view of life (which would seem only logical). In the end, I found it interesting how Satanists seem to be walking a very fine line. For instance, they swear that their religion has nothing to do with Satan, yet they passionately oppose all thing Christian. This is odd because a true Satanist should take a "live and let live" opinion to others. Additionally, the Satainic Bible contains spells in the last chapter. However, they never say exactly whose power it is that you're conjuring up with these spells. Beyond that, if you read the writings of other well known Satanist, there is definitely some Devil Worship going on.

I could be wrong, but from what I've read in Marilyn Manson's autobiography, and articles on Anton LaVey and Glen Benton of DEICIDE, Satanism is mot so much worshiping Satan but believing in your own self as a God and yourself as commander of your own destiny.
someone once described it as "aesthetic humanism", which also hits the nail on the head.

another book to be checked out is "lords of chaos", which is about the black metal scene in norway, satanism in metal, nordic revival, and tons of other stuff. a VERY interesting read!
Eleven Satanic Rules:
1.Do not give opinion or advise unless you are asked
2.Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them
3.When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there
4.If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy
5.Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal. (hmm and that's???one of my mistakes for sure...)
6.Do not take that which doesn't belong to you unless it's a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved
7.Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will loose all you have obtained
8.Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself
9.Do not harm children
10.Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for your food
(I love this one)
11.When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.
Originally posted by [KOTNO]Narrot
tell us.... and explain what "Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae" means!

Goddamn you!!I've already explained it!!
check the 'anyone here tabbing NVM' or so post by 6skin guy or so:mad:

ps didn't know the arabians were so bad...
anyone read other occult books??Kabballa? other??
what do you think about Luciferianism?Wicca?other Pagan 'religions'?

very interested...
Those Satanic Rules are all mainly comen sense rules,it seems like.There are also a few which sound like some of the Bible's 10 Commandments.This just proves that all of the Bible-thumpers and priests and ppl that protest outside of Marilyn Manson concerts are totally wrong about Satanism.Since this is what Satanism is,I guess I could be considered a Satanist...which I am fully willing to consider myself.
What other concerts have Bible-thumpers and other ppl been known to protest outside of?I'd guess Decide would be one of them.
Iv eread both bibles, and i own both bibles.

the EVIL one hahahha has some good concepts, but its shit. Anton Szandar Lafay believes in satan. He said he doesnt so that ppl would come to himm more freely.

I have the S bible on disc as well. I could start posting it here. I need to finish posting the hitchihkers guid too.

Luciferism is full blown satan human sacrifice worship. Its stupid too.
Ledmag,have you really read all of the Bible?I didn't think that ppl actually read that book from front to back.I tried reading it and not a damn thing makes sense to me!But I guess that's just me...
sure ive read it. The whole thing.

Those parts in the old test about Moses sacrificeing the animals....cutting them up, cleaning them, skin them, set fire to tehm on an alter, and pour th eblood on it...a sweet aroma for teh lord....SHIT. thats fucked up man,,,,........hahahahhahaha

SOme parts a lot.

Its pretty much crazy shit. But you can find history in the bible. Its just hidden so to speak.

If you read an old bible, not a king James book you know. You will see that God did not make the earth in 7 days, it says that, but other words and shit lead you to believe he didnt, just a figure of speexh, and you will find dinoes, and it say He made Adam from the tribes of man, and once he was made, he was a son of man. And Cain was sent back out to the tribes of man. Its crazy yeah, but not as crazu as the shit thats in those KJ versions.

The shit about Moses was part true. The tricks he pulled are still tricks in egypt.

Jesus on water. The old hebrew speech, to say one walked on water, ment one walked at the banks of a stream or body of water.,...........

And the may have happened, but not the whole earth.....maybe just a bunch of the land that is below sea level......i could explain a lot of shit if i had time....but you know it would still all be near worthless garble.

Lots of stuff has been changed.

I haev a bunch of bibles.....dont go to church and havent for 20 yrs. Went with my great grandmother as a small child. BUt i read all types of stuff like that.
I've read the entire Bible. . . hell, i even took a Bible history class in the 10th grade! It is a VERY interesting, DARK read, believe it or not! sodomy, sacrifice, war, genocide, killings, revenge, sex. . . all abound in the Old Testament. There are many contradictions throughout the Bible, however, and if anyone cares, I would be glad to point some of them out, but ledmag did a pretty good job explaining some of it (NIV is the simplest read by far).

It is my opinion, as someone who believes in Christ and God, despite my open-mindedness and excursions into different belief systems, that man must only need the teachings of Jesus in order to establish a personal relationship with God. All the other stuff, such as the OT, is just "commentary" leading up to the Gospels. It is relevant from a historical perspective, true, yet abounds with stuff that, quite simply, is pretty hard to imagine.

It is also my opinion that people get in the way of an individual's relationship with his deity, as has been proven constantly throughout time and is the main reason why most people shun Christianity. It is not so much the religion itself that turns people away, it is the Christians themselves. It is important to not let THEM get in the way with their fanaticism and ignorance. Was it not the Pharisees themselves that Jesus opposed more than anyone?

Reading the Bible is important to understand the religion of Christianity. . . don't let people get in the way of the message. I believe that all religions must be looked upon in-depth before criticizing or following.
I can't be considered satanist because I don't believe in God.
to be a real satanist that is. But I do have sympathy for them. Sure, both religions try to say they're best and's afterall another religion. But I'm anti God, anti religion so for the Church I'm a satanist.Hell, strictly taken, gay are satanists according the Church... It's all about metaphores anyway...
Luciferianism..well It should be a very old religion, namely the sun.
Lucifer is everything and nothing, good and evil in one being.
this is more how I see God...luciferianists consider themselves as Lucifer/God but again, I don't believe in 'him/her/it'.
and I don't know about human sacrifice...I think that's bull...they should have principles like satanists as well..
Mayas sacrificed hundreds