anyone here like Blackmore's Night?

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
I really dig Blackmore's Night with Richie Blackmore & Candice Night.In my teens I would've never cared for something like this but the songs are so damn good!I was a huge Rainbow fan when I was younger & that same intoxicating effect Blackmore's music had on me back then has been reborn through this renaissance music they're doing now.
All though I prefer listening to them live as opposed to their studio albums as the live versions have a little more kick to them.They played out here last year & it was aewsome! Just picked up the live Doube DVD such aew inspiring musicianship from teh whole band but Blackmore is GOD!!!
I was really into the UK hard rock acts back in the day, so when I hear the name "Moore" and "best guitarist in the world" in the same sentence, I immediately think Gary Moore! He was guitarist in Skid Row (no not the Sabastian Bach hair band of the 80's and 90's) and Thin Lizzy (both bands with the late, more than great Phil Lynott on bass and vocals). He's also had a lucrative, mostly UK based, solo career. Check out his tunes... You WILL NOT be disappointed.