Anyone in the Berlin, Germany area?


Mar 20, 2002
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Hey guys,

I moved to Berlin a couple months ago and now I'm looking to find people to form a band with professional attitude with. Need not be Metal at all. I'm open to a lot of different stuff as long as everybody involved shows 100% dedication. Songwriting partners are also welcome.

Let me know if anyone's interested or if you can point me to someone else or places I should keep an eye on or anything. :-)

Übrigens: Man spricht deutsch. ;-)
Komme auch aus Berlin, habe jedoch im Moment keine Zeit für Bandprojekte. Viel Glück dir :)
get in touch so we can meet up. there's and open jam session @ my studio on Saturday (2.3.13), you're welcome to come along and bring your friends. and beer.
PM sent. :)
hier gibts im Eingang recht viele Aushänge, dort wirst du bestimmt fündig.
Super, vielen Dank, werd ich mal auschecken. Am Orwo-Haus war ich schon und zur Noisy Musicworld muss ich auch noch.

Marshi, yeah, I've seen posters of you guys coming to town. :) Although I'm not sure if I can make it on Wednesday yet. Will let you know on Facebook. What's your stagetime on this run? Either way I'm probably gonna run a little late.

Cheers you guys.
Anyone else? :)
Argh, I live in Leipzig and would love to get started with some ambitioned guys.
Good luck to you! And if anybody from Leipzig reads this, contact me!