Anyone into Testament should check this out

Why is pretty good, I'm checking out the other ones as well. It sounds cool to me!
thats some good stuff-i have been a fan of your guitarist when he was in mercenary. Nice solos and very melodic. plus, you have the Nmemic drummer-thats a plus
I'm on a fuck load of forums for some reason or another and I'm tired of you spamming them :D . I'm not trying to discredit your band by any means because I think that tranparent is cool... but there are a few songs that start off way too similar. if you cut out the intros to some of the songs then they would be a fuck load better... again.. I think your band is bad ass but limit the intos to your songs...
Transparent sounds fucking awesome! And just telling that by listening to 'Why' the first track. Really nicely done, there's some 80's feeling in it. You started to listen to metal in 80's?! Not votnig any track as yet, must check out the rest....