Anyone like Loch Vostok?

batmura said:
I think they are mediocre. Actually, compared to Mayadome, they are terrible. As a modern thrashy metalcore band though, they're okay I guess.

Having only listened to the two songs on their website I'm certainly no expert on the band, but did anyone else get the impression of "thrashy metalcore?"

I thought they sounded more like a collision between Einherjer and Pain Of Salvation.
Magius said:
Having only listened to the two songs on their website I'm certainly no expert on the band, but did anyone else get the impression of "thrashy metalcore?"

I thought they sounded more like a collision between Einherjer and Pain Of Salvation.
Pain of Salvation? The greatest prog metal band in the world sounds like Loch Vostok.

I have both LV albums. They are hardcore meets modern thrash meets metalcore meets watery synths and scream vocals, none of which I'd attribute to the great Pain of Salvation.