Anyone like The Arrival by Hypocrisy?


Aug 31, 2003
I am REALLY digging this album. Early hypocrisy isn't really my thing but this album sure kicks ass. Love the spacial tracks like Erased and Born Dead Buried Alive. :rock:
i like that album...too bad i lost the cd

after seeing them numerous times last winter i thought i'd grown tired of them, then i listened to a little of the cd at FYE and thought it was pretty good so i got it
....was a kick ass song. Dead sky dawning also. I also agree melodeath is better than death. The only real death metal band I can listen to is AMON AMARTH everything sounds like they are belching or farting in a mic. MAYBE BOTH!
And death is better than melodeath.[/QUOTE]

most of it is monotone drivel accept for Amon Amarth cause Vikings rule anyway Decapitated is pretty tight but I cant stand the montone vocals. I like Obituary but thats about it as far as old school, Death was good but Chuck had more of a screech anyway though.