Anyone like Viper?


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Mar 29, 2003
I just dusted off the two disc set of Andre Matos' pre- Angra band Viper entitled "Theater Of Fate/ Soldiers Of Sunrise". Does anyone else agree that this totally kicks ass and this release was before it's time and way underrated?
Yeah, pretty cool stuff!! =)

I love both discs! Soldiers of Sunrise is pretty straight foward.. A heavy metal album... I like it a lot, though!
Theater of Fate is one of the first power metal releases ever! It was released in 88, Andre Matos was 17 or so... I love it! Living for the night is a classic! Shaman plays it live! :)
I believe Andre was 15 at the time he joined Viper, and recorded their early material... Pretty impressive for a 15 yr old kid...