Anyone near Wurzburg, Germany?

Ola Englund

Only gay in the village
Dec 1, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
Cause I'm playing at the Posthalle this coming saturday on the Hammer of Doom IV festival! Really looking forward to it.

The band I'm playing in called Sorcerer are teaming up for a reunion gig. Some really cool guys have been playing in this band( Richard Evensand on drums etc). The original singer and bassplayer has rejoined and I'm doing the guitars together with Kristian Niemann(Therion and Demonoid). Fuck hell I'm going to have a hard time keeping it up, he's a MONSTER player.

Anyway anyone here going to that particular show? If it happens be sure to grab a hold of me, and talk some shit!

Kristian is one of my top 5 players of all time ... he's incredible and soooooo fuckin classy in his playing :worship:

too bad can't be there to check it out man but best of luck with the gig, sounds like it'll be a blast
yeah, fuck me. würzburg is half an hour away from here.
unfortunately (well, not really, lol) i'm playing at the neaera release show in münster on oct. 23th.....
would have been really cool to meet up with a fellow sneapster!