Anyone see The Passion ??


Jan 28, 2004
Anyone see The Passion of Christ?

I saw it and thought it was an awesome piece. It inspired me as an artist and also spiritually.

Any thoughts?


New Prog label seeking unsigned bands.
Do not want to fuck up your hair-doo but... WTF is this post doing here? Post stuff like this at the CHildren of Bodom off-topic or something. This board (evergrey) has been fortunate enough to not have these kind of nonsence post happen please do not break that tradition! People here really enjoy the band related topics! K?
Hey mammoth so what if they don't post a topic about evergrey.This place would be quite boring if all you got was evergrey related stuff only.
Anyway I saw the film and I kind of thought it was a little disrespectful by the extremes that was shown. I do admit though that the flashbacks were very well done, I just think that there was no need for the gory detail that they showed because you can get the picture without the whole picture if you follow me and takes away more of the spiritual feeling watching such gore and suffering . Anyway it is just my opinion so I am neither right or wrong depending on others views of such matter but I am rambling on so I shall stop...........

NP- Into Eternity - Buried in Oblivion.