Anyone seeing Opeth in Tempe, AZ Marquee Theatre Tuesday 27th?


slave to thepower ofdeath
May 21, 2001
Las Cruces, New Mexico
Visit site
Will anyone be attending the Opeth show in Tempe, AZ at the Marquee Theatre 01/27/04?

I'm from New Mexico so I'll be driving about 6 hours to get there. I know this going to be a cool fucking show.

This will be my third time seeing them live. I hope to see many Opeth fans there supporting the band instead of a bunch of devildriver kids just standing there confused:grin:

It's good to know Martin is feeling a lot better. I have a huge amount of respect for Opeth, for continuing this tour, especially since they all derserve to take their break already.

I will post a review when I come back from the show.
I'll be there as well. Do you guys know who the other band added to the bill was? I'm curious if it'll take time away from Opeth's set. (not talking about Devildriver, theres some other band mentioned on Opeth's site).
Well it could be Moonspell, and if it's not them, it could be a shitty ass local band called Red Tear Memory. By the way, I'll be there, with a an opeth shirt with the gold logo from the last time when they played mesa amphitheatre with the dates on the back.
Agalloch said:
Well it could be Moonspell, and if it's not them, it could be a shitty ass local band called Red Tear Memory. By the way, I'll be there, with a an opeth shirt with the gold logo from the last time when they played mesa amphitheatre with the dates on the back.

Nice man, I'll keep a look out for some of you guys. The band is called Class of Zero i think, I just looked it up on their site and posted a thread. I'm new to AZ, so if they're local, I wouldnt know.
Yeah, I'm going with thelordofguitars and a bunch of friends so you should see us up in the front of the line.
i heard Class of Zero is lamer than devildriver, oh well hopefully Opeth's set won't be shortened.

I'll keep a look out also for some of you guys, as I will be waiting at the theatre for many hours before the show since I am from out of state.
I'll probably have a megadeth shirt on or something. Let's hope Opeth's set isnt shortened and it doesn't get out TOO late... I have to wake up early the next day, lol.
The Colonel said:
Does anyone know what the order of the bands will be? I want to see Moonspell, but I couldn't care less about Devildriver or Class Of Zero.

My guess is :

Class of Zero first (since they were a later addition and I havent even heard of em... heh)
Devil Driver Second
Moonspell Third
Opeth Last

If the past dates have gone DD, MS, Opeth, then I'd bet that's the order.
I'll be there- 1st time to see them...developing a hard-on for the show- don't know what kind of shirt I'll be wearing-
I am going! This will be my 4th time seeing them and my guitar is interviewing Mikael at the show for a guitar corner in Pit magazine. I am just finally getting to watch the Lamentations DVD as I type this and it is killer and I am still just watching the Documentary portion . I hope they are gonna do a split set which i think they will in support of the DVD. I am hella stoked!:worship: