Anyone still able to get Four Loko?


Senhor Testiculo
Sep 29, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
So it's been discontinued, more or less, but I can't help but think there are still stocks of it floating around.

This is most definitely a novelty-type thing, not an "I really need my Four Loko, man" kind of thing. :lol:

If anyone still has a place that stocks it around them, shoot me a PM!
i'm pretty sure the FDA ban meant that all existing stock was to be pulled and assumingly either sent back to the manufacturer or just destroyed
As far as I understand it, the FDA only issued a warning letter threatening legal action if they continued making it, but lots of vendors voluntarily pulled it from the shelves in response.
As far as I understand it, the FDA only issued a warning letter threatening legal action if they continued making it, but lots of vendors voluntarily pulled it from the shelves in response.

I'm pretty sure the last thing I read on the subject was that the FDA had not officially banned Four Loko, but the warning was clear enough for the manufacturer that they pulled existing stock and are in the process of reformulating without caffeine. So Four Loko will still be available, just reformulated - sort of like "New Coke" .

*Update* Just to clarify, I just read that the "Warning Letter" the FDA sent was a "request to cease distribution" letter with 15 days to respond for the manufactures of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages (four companies) - that was sent on November 17th. So does that mean existing stock was pulled - I would suspect it does as coming from a pharma background, when the FDA issues a warning, companies have to take it serious or they may find themselves not selling anything.
I dont drink & Ive never had Four Loko, but I dont get how its the company's fault when a bunch of dumbass kids drink a bunch of it then get sick. It has alcohol in it, and should be handled accordingly. Many of the morons just kept drinking more and more because they couldnt taste the alcohol and wanted to get "fucked up". So is it the manufacturers fault that people are irresponsible? Fuck no. Its the stupid people's fault for being irresponsible during their pathetic partying.
There's risk involved anytime someone ingests things like drugs or alcohol. Who's to blame if someone gets "too fucked up" or dies ? THE PERSON IS, as they ingested. THEY chose the amount to ingest.
Seriously, that shit's real?
"What the fuck America" indeed.......

Also, although the people who died are indeed fucking morons
As Jeff stated western countries are paternal, and as such, you should be able to buy something that is legally marketed as a soft drink without fear of death......
If they cant read that it has 10% alcohol...then all hope is lost for them anyway. More people need to READ instead of being distracted by pretty things.
Seriously, that shit's real?
"What the fuck America" indeed.......

Also, although the people who died are indeed fucking morons
As Jeff stated western countries are paternal, and as such, you should be able to buy something that is legally marketed as a soft drink without fear of death......

That video really isn't accurate - It's got more energy than a can of Redbull and almost as much alcohol as 4 beers because it's a 24oz, 12% abv can. It's a malt-liquor based energy drink.

I find the shit absolutely hilarious, though, and want to get all the flavors just to stack on my shelf in a collection. :lol:
Yeah it's a colledge humour video, i guessed.... :)

For an alcopop %12 is pretty fucking high, especially as its got caffeine in it.
That's the point, to keep drinking until you pass out, in which the caffeine kicks in, then you don't pass out, and keep drinking some more! Good thing I quit drinking :lol: