Anyone suffering from CTS ? (Carpal tunnels)


Mar 5, 2016
It started over a month ago. Wakes me up at night and fuck, I use a screwdriver everyday at work. It's weird to tork screws with numbness in the fingers. I even have to climb in ladders, and the other day I was scared cause I thought my hand would let go of the bars as I felt electric shocks in my wrist. I can't stand it, and I hope I'll still be able to play guitar (it's my picking hand only at this point). I'm just 32 duhhh

Hope it's not the end of my guitar playing.. FUCK!
No I haven't but go and see a doctor as soon as possible. It just wont go away. Well maybe for a while but it will come back again if you dont do anything about it. But dont you use screwdriver machines at your work?
Due to the nature of my work, motorized screwdrivers are not allowed ;( (electrical tech). At this point, the worst is during the night, I woke up the other night and my hand was much cooler than the other one lol. I though I might have been diabete or something, but my mom, my aunts, my grandmom all have CTS. My mom sleeps with wrist protectors (like for rollerblade), I guess I told her that joke too often.. lol
I was told by maybe 5 different doctors that i have cts but it turns out i have cubital tunnel which is a problem with neck, shoulders and posture. After 4 years of chiro and simple chinese acupuncture massage im pretty much better. I'll never be at 100% again but im lucky i found that one doctor who knew his shit. 2 of the other doctors wanted to operate on me immediately and that would havd fucked me up for life. Cubital tunnel is rare but keep it in mind. Apparently operating on someone who definitely has carpel tunnel is very safe and reccomended but the risk is being certain carpel tunnel is what you have. FYI i was waking up in the middle if the night with one arm completely numb for a few years before finally getting help so that isnt a definite sign of carpel tunnel syndrome
Thank you for this, I'll keep this in mind. I guess it could be posture in my case... my gf massaged my arm and she somehow is able to find where tension lies, tension points or something. She got up my arm just before my shoulder and she also noticed that a part of my forearm was swollen, like in the middle and it has hurt a lot when she pressed that point. And that is somehow a relief in itself because I know that chiros and stuff exist and they might be able to reverse the tension or i don't know. But like I say, I don't know. I'll have to go see a doc eventually. I'm scared as shit, don't want it to be CTS nor diabetes. I had a hard time turning my pepper grinder like 3 days ago... but I was definitely able to screw motor bolts just 2 weeks ago ! Which makes me think it might not be the CTS (you probably don't degrade that fast!). So, maybe a pinched nerve ?

It all started a little over 3 months ago when I got my new job ; I have to sleep somewhere 1 to 2 times a week and I bring my sleeping bag and... THIS as my pillow. And I don't sleep well at all, back home I sleep on those big "magic foam" pillows.
If tension is releasing it, I would guess you have a muscular imbalance that is caused and exacerbated by posture. The nerves for your hand run around in your trap/scapula, and muscular imbalances and posture/sleeping form, can cause the trap to contract/muscles knot. In my case, I had an over developed chest/Delt issue and where the shoulder cap/rotator cuff was being pulled forward, and the body tried to protect the joint by causing my upper and mid back muscles to contract. It was made worse by sleeping on my left side (causing my body to cave the shoulder forward for long periods of time). I believe cubical tunnel is the same situation, but due to physical "defects" causing pinching, vs posture/muscular imbalance. If I slept on my left side, I could expect not to be able to play guitar the next day, because the fingers just wouldn't do what they were told.

I have been working a lot on my muscular imbalances, and found they were either the cause of a lot of issues or exacerbated other issues I had, most of which came from sitting too much, and working at a computer with my shoulder pushed forward and elbows resting which was compressing the nerve(s). This may not be your cause, but the muscle tension being worked and releasing the pain is what caused me to start looking into skeletal/muscular causes.
Yeah, I lift, but mainly out of recreation and to get rid of stress from work. But I found a video one day when looking at an alternate trap exercise for building the upper parts, and woever was talking off-handedly mentioned that lifters will develop issues because they are building an imbalance in their neck/skull muscles (they used the word migraine, which I suffered from pretty heavily at one point, almost costing me my job). When I started paying attention to what muscles I was working and what the antogonists to them were, specifically trying to balance my body, I realized that almost all of my physical issues that I had chalked up to "genetics" we're actually muscular imbalances. My lower spine being over arched, my knees popping. Even my wrist pain, and a finger issue (I think it's called "trigger finger", but my pinky couldn't casually move between open and closed, there was a snap to it). Genetics may have a small part in predisposition to it, but my past few years have led me to believe that almost all physical "maladies" I, and most people have, can be fixed by muscular balancing.