anyone there from the 80's

Jul 9, 2006
Any one out there from the UK at the time of Wheels to Innocence tour?
This is Guy typing. I'm still in touch with Daz and Gibbo and recently found Donna again.
Bald Eagle, Swoop, Squidge (or squid), Moz ring any bells?
Thinking of trying to arrange a reunite at one of the gigs in March next year.
If there is anyone out there from this era, drop a message or get in touch.

for those of you that are thinking who's Guy, did you go to Nijmagen or Amsterdam on the coaches that moz arranged (he ran the fan club). Does Guy "I'm the official coach looney Airhorn" ring any bells?
how about being the one coach going and seeing about 15 coaches at Dover going over to see Quo?
how about Squidge doing a session on the boat with Akka Bilk and his Jazz Men? Or ever worse, finding out when we got on the bus, that it had a video, but no one new, so all we had for 16 hours was hong kong phooey!:kickass:
Moz morris is the one.
He ran the fan club "militia guard" and lived in blackpool.
Had some great nights out, but can't remember the bar he ran events from. I do remember a launch night by Carrere records and Demon being there (very strange people). said:
Moz morris is the one.
He ran the fan club "militia guard" and lived in blackpool.
Had some great nights out, but can't remember the bar he ran events from. I do remember a launch night by Carrere records and Demon being there (very strange people).

Yeah I was a member of the Militia Guard! From what I remember, the fan club wasn't exactly ran very well! I didn't go to any of the events, I was too young back then.

You must have some great memories of events and gigs Guy. You should share some if you got the time, it would be great reading.
when I get some spare time, i'll certainly post some memories for you.
As a quickie, first saw Saxon at the ABC Chester, supporting Motorhead on the Bomber tour (1979).
Went to see tham at a couple of gigs on the Wheels tour (Colwyn Bay and Liverpool) and then again at liverpool for Strong Arm.
Got into it big time for the Denim and Leather tour, where me and a mate (Gibbo), did nearly all of the UK dates.

will post memories later

Guy said:
when I get some spare time, i'll certainly post some memories for you.
As a quickie, first saw Saxon at the ABC Chester, supporting Motorhead on the Bomber tour (1979).
Went to see tham at a couple of gigs on the Wheels tour (Colwyn Bay and Liverpool) and then again at liverpool for Strong Arm.
Got into it big time for the Denim and Leather tour, where me and a mate (Gibbo), did nearly all of the UK dates.

will post memories later


Nice one Guy, I'll look forward to that.
As requested, my diary starts here (I'm sure Lionheart can relate to the ealry days).
If I do get some dates or years mixed up, you do have to remember, this was from up to 27 years ago.

As I recall, it was November 1979 an as a sweet and innocent 16yr old (OK, just a 16 yr old then), off I went to see Motorhead play at the ABC Chester, at the time I didn't know who the support band was and hadn't heard of Saxon (or Son of a Bitch).
I became converted to the cause after about 30 seconds. I honestly couldn't tell you what the set was (obviously all from the Saxon album + bopshoowap), but I do remember that the ABC was an all seater theatre, that was until after about 45 seconds as I seem to be transported from the
4th row to the front of the stage, with a wash of broken seats left in our wake!
The place got trashed and this was before Motorhead even started. It's all a blur, but I do remember the next day going to Penny Lane Records (no longer in Chester) and getting the 1st album.
Next few months spent trawling Sounds to find out as much as I could about this band and where they were playing.

Next time I saw Saxon must have been a few months later and they were supporting Rainbow at Deeside leisure centre (strange having a gig on an ice rink). They absolutely blew Rainbow off stage and when Rainbow started they were greated by chants of Saxon, Saxon, Saxon. They were soon taken off the support role for the tour and I would like to feel that the way they were received at Deeside may have something to do with this.

Right off to the loft to dig out scrap books and programmes, so more thrilling enstallments to follow!
It was you, you, you, you, who set the spirit free.
Here's one for you,me and my mate were going down to London and for a £1 entry were gonna see SAXON,SAMSON and MAIDEN,my mate's mum wouldn't give him his pocket money so we couldn't go...hahahahha,yes but stories like you i have loads Donington both 1980 and 1982 and do you remember when they headlined Reading in 1986 with Outlaws,Rough Cutt all in support......blimey where as that time gone.
Paxoman said:
I recently bought a 1980 vinyl bootleg of a Saxon gig in Manchester. I'll do the setlist on here, although I'm not sure it is the whole gig, because it seems pretty short.
Sounds like you have the same one as me.
If so it's from the Strong Arm Tour.
Quality a but ropey, but we are talking over 25 years ago.
Will try and dig mine out and give you the set list to see if it's the same one.
Also have a tape from Warrington Par Hall 17/03/90.
Heavy Metal Thunder
Rock n roll Gypsy
Bands Played On
20,000 feet
Solid Ball of Rock
See the Light Shining
Broken Heroes
Ride Like the Wind
Princess of the night
Wheels (of course, but no balcony)!
Power and the Glory
Denim and Leather
Motorcycle Man
Back on the Streets.
Fingers said:

As I remember Deeside Leisure centre hosted a lot of gigs in that era.

Certainly did! I remember going there to see AC/DC on their first tour back after Bon's death because I wanted to see 'the bell'. I'd already been to see them 3 times but the venues were too small to handle the bell. More money than sense! Nowt's changed! :lol: said:
Sounds like you have the same one as me.
If so it's from the Strong Arm Tour.
Quality a but ropey, but we are talking over 25 years ago.
Will try and dig mine out and give you the set list to see if it's the same one.
Also have a tape from Warrington Par Hall 17/03/90.
Heavy Metal Thunder
Rock n roll Gypsy
Bands Played On
20,000 feet
Solid Ball of Rock
See the Light Shining
Broken Heroes
Ride Like the Wind
Princess of the night
Wheels (of course, but no balcony)!
Power and the Glory
Denim and Leather
Motorcycle Man
Back on the Streets.

I was at the Parr Hall gig !