Anyone think it'd be a fun idea to start an Prog/Power award ceremony?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Like top albums of the year within the UM metal community?

I'm not sure what the best way to go about it would be, but it'd be fun to get everybody's opinion and have a definative top 20 releases for 2007. I'm sure it'd also help Glenn guage opinions on an annual basis and see what people here like.

Any thoughts on if this is a good idea and the best way to measure opinion would be? I'm thinking one of us should just accept private messages and tally up the results under a specific preposted ballot guideline. No hanging chads will be counted :)

The Michael
Hanging Chad, that's my old porn name..... :heh:

I think just about every metal related forum has a top 10 or 20 thread towards the end of the year.....
Then you'd get everybody fighting about what genres certain bands belong in, and it just turns comical.
Cool if it could be done, but I have ZERO faith in it NOT turning into a mess....

Mr. Cranky (My other porn name...)
If so, I feel a pure numbering system doesn't take into account the difference between the numbers. So instead, if a person had '100' points, and then divided those points between 20 bands you get a better idea of where they stand.
This actually exists already on the PM:X board. They do a pretty damn good job of it too, until the Kamelot fan club jumps in and overloads the votes.
Yah, its funny when a band that nobody on the board has talked about all year (or very little, or somewhat negatively) suddenly becomes super popular come poll time ;p
Like top albums of the year within the UM metal community?

I'm not sure what the best way to go about it would be, but it'd be fun to get everybody's opinion and have a definative top 20 releases for 2007. I'm sure it'd also help Glenn guage opinions on an annual basis and see what people here like.

Any thoughts on if this is a good idea and the best way to measure opinion would be? I'm thinking one of us should just accept private messages and tally up the results under a specific preposted ballot guideline. No hanging chads will be counted :)

The Michael

What's wrong with just posting the PM:X link here when the poll is announced? I think the new method that squarooticus has come up with over there makes for a very fair and useful system of voting, and one that makes cheating in favor of one or two bands VERY time consuming to do.
What's wrong with just posting the PM:X link here when the poll is announced? I think the new method that squarooticus has come up with over there makes for a very fair and useful system of voting, and one that makes cheating in favor of one or two bands VERY time consuming to do.

You guys are all the epitome of no fun.

PM:X has an entirely different culture than the Prog Power forum. I don't see a problem w/ having two separate awards, tally some votes as private messages sent to my me maybe with some kind of point system. *shrugs*

The Michael
I'd actually like to see an awards show at PP itself. You know, "best music shirt", "most cds purchased", "Funniest shirt", "sexiest outfit" and whatever else anyone could come up with. We have set change time and it would be a fun thing to do that on Saturday night. Just an idea.
Call me mean... but I'm one of those guys that doesn't get excited about corset night. That doesn't mean people at progpower have no sex appeal; it just means corsets require a particular figure to pull off. Few people have it. If you're a gorgeous woman with the right body and you want to put on the corset... go ahead. But let's not encourage every woman at progpower to squeeze into one of those things. I think "sexy outfit" night might work a little better than "corset" night.

Like, I consider myself a mildly sexy guy... but I wouldn't indulge in speedo night :). It'd just be wrong. In fact, I don't think any of us guys could pull off a speedo night. Not even Urban Breed.

The Michael
I'd actually like to see an awards show at PP itself. You know, "best music shirt", "most cds purchased", "Funniest shirt", "sexiest outfit" and whatever else anyone could come up with. We have set change time and it would be a fun thing to do that on Saturday night. Just an idea.

Not to rub anyone the wrong way, but this sorta reminds me of those self-serving awards typically found in any high school yearbook. Sure, a few would occasionally be spot on, i.e. "most likely to succeed," but as a whole they were total bs and just certain people patting themselves on the back.

I think the idea of some type of band/album awards is fine because it's kept in the confines of the forum. But making an awards thing as yet another offshoot of PP seems like it could alienate, offend, piss off or upset people for whatever reason. I wouldn't want to see that. Also, there's already a bunch of forumer-created offshoots like corset night, the kilt thing, PP picture poster thing, luncheons, and basically a picture time for almost every minority demographic that exists there. It's all fun I know, but I'm just wondering how many more we really need.
Not to rub anyone the wrong way, but this sorta reminds me of those self-serving awards typically found in any high school yearbook. Sure, a few would occasionally be spot on, i.e. "most likely to succeed," but as a whole they were total bs and just certain people patting themselves on the back.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. I tend to think that stuff is kinda gay too, but for some reason, I think it would be fun to see people getting recognized for silliness, sexiness, etc. The dude who wore the Culture Club shirt should certainly get some props for funniest shirt, you know? I don't know, it's just an idea that would kill some between set time too. :)
This actually exists already on the PM:X board. They do a pretty damn good job of it too, until the Kamelot fan club jumps in and overloads the votes.

Hey hey... I like those guys.... hehehe

But I understand what you're saying - you get 2 or 3 people voting 20 times a day... it's not a true poll... But Ghost Opera's a great disc...

However, as awesome as that disc is to me - Isolate is BETTER...

And when I first saw this - I thought it was going to be like a people that attend PP award thing like the award for 'most likely to never sleep in the room they paid for' or 'Best party hotel room' or something along those lines...