Anyone try the LTD JD-600?? (Jon Donais sig)


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I've been eyeing this axe pretty hardcore lately. It looks a million times better than the Schecters I was checking out and has all the specs I want/need.

Has anyone played one? How was it?

The only thing bugging me is that it has no inlays. I supposed if it's bothering me enough I can have my tech install some small dot inlays.


The no inlays thing you can get use to very quickly, if you've been playing long enough it will only bother you when you look at it. You'd be surprised how much you don't even notice they are gone when you are actually playing the guitar.

The no inlays thing you can get use to very quickly, if you've been playing long enough it will only bother you when you look at it. You'd be surprised how much you don't even notice they are gone when you are actually playing the guitar.


True, I guess I can see how it goes. It's just the first LTD in a while that I've been remotely interested in cosmetically and spec-wise. My tech is great too, so I'm sure he can add them if it bothers me enough.

I tried it last week. The neck surprised me, I was excepting it to be a Thin U profile, but it was the normal U profile instead, which is quite a lot thicker and rounder. I really like the thin U so it was kind of a disappointment for me. Sounded pretty good, but it was nothing special. The volume pot placement is awesome though. You never hit it when playing ordinarily, but it's still very close when you need it.
I think it's a really sexy guitar, but the bridge and the no inlays thing turned me off - I hate having to turn a total of 12 screws to change the overall string height, ugghh, and I've tried playing a guitar with no inlays many times (my Mom's GORGEOUS all-Koa USA-made Tacoma acoustic has an ebony board with no inlays), and while I'm fine with it beneath the 12th fret, for all the soloing I do I need to have that reference.
WEAK, c'mon Marcus, I know it's a lot of screws to adjust...but it's not like you do it 10 times a month or anything. Once you take the time to set it up how you like's done.


BTW I'm all jacked up on Monster right now, so my posts are going to be a little blunt and/or crazy and/or PIGAHUGE.

Hahaha, and you're quick on the edits too, it would seem ;) You do make a good point, but I still prefer the simplicity and guaranteed evenness from string to string of just having two screws to change overall bridge height, as on a ToM or Floyd
Yeah, the inlay thing really bugged me initially, but it really is the closest thing spec-wise that I can really bond with in a cheaper axe. That, and I love hardtail bridges. Yep, those regular strat bridges aren't for anyone, but if you have a quyality one it sustains like a mother, and the action adjustment doesn't really bother me.

I'd like to check one out for the neck.

ze kink, is the neck as thick as a Schecter?

Thick neck wouldn't bother me either, since I'm used to the baseball bat neck on my Les Paul standard. :)

It should be noticeably thinner than the LP necks...especially being Donais' signature model ;)

The no inlays thing you can get use to very quickly, if you've been playing long enough it will only bother you when you look at it. You'd be surprised how much you don't even notice they are gone when you are actually playing the guitar.


I don't agree with the inlays thing.

I'll have to sell a guitar because of that.

Moreover, at a gig in the darkness, it's impossible to get comfortable when playing certain kind of stuff.
I always only look at side dots, so I find this weird.

If it's too dark, I just pull my tone pot and the leds in my side dots light up :heh:

I think I should get into this habit. I don't think it's impossible to me, but I just have never gotten used to using the side dots.

ze kink, would you mind commenting a bit more on the neck? Is it as thick as a Schecter neck?

When you say the axe was "nothing special", did it sound in any way bad? I basically want some great EMG tone, with good sustain. Basically that big mahogany tone.

Thanks man.

Don't want to be a dick, so nobody take this the wrong way, but if you have to have fret markers you need to get more acquainted with your instrument.
