Anyone trying out Google Play Music All Access?


My name is sorrow.
Apr 26, 2011
Pissing around with it right now and damn guys, the selection is pretty fucking spot on. I'm going through my Spotify playlists to compare and so far not only does it have everything I had on there, but MORE than that (for example, Spotify is missing a bunch of slam/brutal bands like Cephalotripsy).

It's obviously not flawless, but keep in mind it ALSO syncs up with your personal library, which means you can pick up music elsewhere (Amazon, rip a CD, "borrow", whatever) and then fire it up on there, effectively blending music you own with the subscription service.

I'm blown away guys. And it's $8/mo instead of $10 if you sign up before the end of June. If you're a Spotify user, I say check it out right now.