Anyone up for some Vocals? [BRUTAL DEATH MEATL]


Jun 3, 2009
Enköping, Sweden
Hey guys!

Been lurking around this forum for some time now, and i finally figured I should join.

So chit chat, I'm relatively new to guitar (been playing for some 2 years, just learnt stuff myself) Anyways, I did an song this evening and my throat is just completely wasted by an cold Ive been having for some time. So If anyone wants to do vocals on this song, just send me a PM or If you dont wanna do vocals, give some feedback on the song :)

Some mixing stuff left to do.

The song is inspired by bands such as AZARATH and perhaps Behemoth, so vocals will need to be in that style.
You can write your own lyrics or I can do them for you and give you an quick scetch of how they will be applied to the song :)

Thanks for taking your time!

And, damn it's good to have found som equal minded people!
I hope my mixing/mastering and my Guitar playing skills will improve from hanging here :)

Over and out! :kickass: