Anyone using Izotope Ozone's matching eq?


Nov 19, 2005
Since I'm stuck with my pathetic 10" 30w Behringer combo I decided to try this. Here's a quick attempt to achieve a decent sound:
(cheap Stagg guitar->dod grunge->amt samp->behringer gm110->sm57)
(cheap Stagg guitar->amt samp->behringer gm110->sm57)

For 'target' I'm using the guitar from Exodus - Scar Spangled Banner.

Do you think it's worth trying? And which of two clips do you like more?
equilibriax said:
. Ozone is such a memory hog that I barely ever use it.

it's maily used as a mastering-plugin, so memory is not that important ;)

i like the firium better, but i do like some aspects of ozone (the stereo imaging and the exiter)

ozone has some nice presets, case you need a quick ruff-master.
I use it as a mastering plugin as well..."mastering" anyway :rolleyes:

Any comments on the clips? Actually can you download from this site?
I've played with Ozone alot but I still end up using my old mastering equipment. Don't like the design and the way Ozone works for some reason...

I tried the match eq thing in the tutorial but I thought it sounded crap...
Goddamn Guitar said:
I've played with Ozone alot but I still end up using my old mastering equipment. Don't like the design and the way Ozone works for some reason...

I tried the match eq thing in the tutorial but I thought it sounded crap...

Same here man, I never got into the "all-in-one" interface and the way it's all laid out, never really did much for me..

I like using several different plugs from different companies, the best of all worlds I guess.

Oh, and Firium does indeed rock.

I don't realy like the way firium works to be honest, realy strange way of having to boost.. i wanna be able to move my eq boost/cut!
maybe i just don't get it hehehe...
and i still liked PSP Neon and Refined Audiometrics PLPAR better.
Problem is that the damn EAS site is down too, so getting the pdf manuals isn´t an option too (they weren't suplied with the installer for some strange reason) i still don't realy understand Neodynium too!
But then i just got them a few days, still fucking around.
Seizure. said:
Problem is that the damn EAS site is down too, so getting the pdf manuals isn´t an option too (they weren't suplied with the installer for some strange reason) i still don't realy understand Neodynium too!
But then i just got them a few days, still fucking around.

EAS was "acquired" by Roger Nichols, Same plugs but different names and GUI is slightly different.