anyone want a cheap neve clone??

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
i'm sure a couple of people here hang out, but for those who don't, i thought i'd post this here as well....1 of the members of that forum has set up a couple of group buys on mics in the last year, and now he's adding some preamps to the mix that are based on the 1073 design.

here's a link that shows a picture of what's being offered, along with a poll to gauge interest in each model...the poll is necessary because the more of each model that's ordered, the cheaper they're going to be. supposedly the cost for just 1 of each model is around $600, whereas 100 of a particular model lowers the price to around $200, $175 for 200 orders, etc.

if anyone is interested in getting in on the group buy, post #19 in that topic has the info of how to get on the mailing list.
if you're still interested in the mics, i know that some of the models from the last buy are going to be included, but i'm not sure exactly which ones - i guess the full list of what's available will be sent out pretty soon...for now you just hafta get on the mailing list and wait