Anyone who likes the Dillenger Escape Plan is a faggot


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
harvey fierstein told me you guys ruled
john zorn called to tell me you're great
the caller i.d. was from a gay bar
you guys fucking suck

any guy who likes you
like neurosis and dicks up his ass
you think you're so fucking original
gay bars used to be original too

you never get bad reviews
because all the writers shoot up cum
everyone who likes you
is a gay homosexual faggot
they're really nice guys what a mean thread title. i saw it and i was like !!! wtf?

even tho i got hit in the face at the last show i went to.
I think that was pretty successful similar thread farming. For instance, in you can see Norrin_Radd's artful use of capital letters in his prose. Observe the words in the middle of sentences he chooses to accentuate.

Norrin_Radd said:
What do you guys think of these OUTSTANDING bands?

I can't get Enough Dillinger. They are Some of the most technical metal heads around. In a Different way too. Very Different. Hard to explain.
Botch is a lot more Groovin', but still up there with the Sick Time sigs. Just not SUPER fast. So good though.

Speaking of these bands, I go see them Live in Seattle on the 24'th..... WEEEEEEEEE!

I'm a Believer.
UM's probably got a metal spell check with words like "Dillinger", "Gorguts" or "Nebularravenswinter" in it's dictionary. "Dillenger" probably always returns "Dillinger" in the similar threads as a result.