Anyplace but here / Twin Peaks


Thraxian Cult High Priest
Oct 22, 2003
Joisey yo!
Yesterday, I fiddled with my CD player in my car and turned on the Title display. I put in my copy of WCFYA and when Anyplace but here came on, the display said "Twin Peaks" was the name of the track.

Try this out. Was this the original name of the track?
Did that weird show claim some kinda copyright infringement?

PS. The CDDB showed the track as "Anyplace but here"
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I already went down this road about 6 months ago....that was the original title for the song, but they ultimatley changed it. i guess sanctuary just f'd up and put it on there wrong. BTW the cd displays all titles perfecty in my ex wifes car, but in my car which has cd text too, it sez nothing. Solution, burn my own copy and put cd text on it - w/ proper song TITLES of course..heheheheheh
Yo Deth any news on a new Judge D movie??half year ago i heard the were looking for a new JD and they said it was gonna be some Brit, my guesss was Vinnie Jones,haven't heard about this in a while .........anybody???????????
I haven't heard shit about it in forever and a day...

They were supposedly making 3 movies at once "matrix" style, w/ Vinnie Jones w/ an x-box/ps2 game to follow....and that's where it all ended...Gonna check out the 2000ad website and see whats up..