Apocalypse stuff


Apr 14, 2001
Ive been bored at work and been reading up on the apocalypse/one world order/illuminati/freemasons (THEY ARE PROBABLY READING THIS RIGHT NOW! :dopey: ) stuff and its quite interesting.

I wonder if the world will really end? (Well besides when the sun explodes on about 45 billion years) With all the problems in the Middle East (not that its ever been a holiday camp over there really...) since Israel moved in, I often wonder if ill have to keep coming into stupid work for too much longer.

Of course, the apocalypse can only happen if God is real, so that could be a bit of a snag if he isnt. Nobody can say for sure either way yet.

But anyway, are we headed for the end of days? Discuss.
Maybe you will hear some Angel bellowing the start of NOTB as the apocalypse starts and then the band will just kick into it, that would rock.
When the supposedly most powerful person in the world is happy to give Israel carte blanch support, to try to head off the apocolypse, we are all safe and sound, aren't we ?

BTW the thread title reminded me of the X-Men "Age of Apocolypse" series...'kin awesome.
Head it off? Cause it more like it :)

Did you know George Bush is a member of the Yale group Skull And Bones, as are most presidents and powerful men? And that they are all freemasons... THE END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH!

The Age Of Apocalypse... Was that the one where they went to the future and all the mutants had been killed? That fucking ruled.
Kerry was in the Skull and Bones also, as was Dubya's Dad.

"It's so secret, we can't talk about it." (George W. Bush in a February 8, 2004 interview; with Tim Russert

"Not much, because it's a secret." (John Kerry in an August 31, 2003 interview; with Tim Russert, on what his and Bush's membership "tells us"
:lol: The four planes involved in the 9/11 hijackings were controlled electronically from the ground? COME. ON.

Interesting site though :)