Apogee Big Ben vs RME?


Aug 13, 2009
My question is: How much of a difference does the apogee bigben make to an RME interface? is it something you could live without or was it one of those "never going back" additions to your rack?

i will soon be running a rme raydat + adi8 + octamic II, and of course i am going to listen to it all as stock first but would love for anyone here who has added in the bigben to weigh in on its actual value to your overall sound.

bb is an amazing clock ...not many beat it.

surely rme's clock is not as good however... everything in digital audio technology is just a nominal improvement for thousands of dollars. :smug:
I agree completely man. The improvements with most gear often seems unjustified with the price tags. But it's all those small improvements that can add up and make a big improvement.

I am really curious to see if the bigben makes an audible difference when compared to the rme. I think this is just one of those things I will have to try for myself. If anyone is interested I may post back some a/b comparison clips in a month or so