Apogee ensemble woes...


Jul 8, 2006
Ive got an Apogee Ensemble unit presently, and im looking at expanding the number of inputs i have. Currently the ensemble only has 8 ins, 4 of which being mic pres (xlr). I was curious if anyone has an ensemble? what do you do for drums/anything where you would be recording more than 4 tracks? I would like to keep the unit, but i have been racking my brains as to what to do, and im finding that the unit isnt very friendly when it comes to expanding. Aside from chaining more ensemble units does anyone have suggestions? :loco: :loco:
Ive got an Apogee Ensemble unit presently, and im looking at expanding the number of inputs i have. Currently the ensemble only has 8 ins, 4 of which being mic pres (xlr). I was curious if anyone has an ensemble? what do you do for drums/anything where you would be recording more than 4 tracks? I would like to keep the unit, but i have been racking my brains as to what to do, and im finding that the unit isnt very friendly when it comes to expanding. Aside from chaining more ensemble units does anyone have suggestions? :loco: :loco:

I did a quick search and there seems to be an ADAT. You could buy an AD/DA converter to get 8 in´s more. Or buy a 4-channel mic preamp to get 8 analog in´s. Or both?
i just realised it had adat. so there are a few options. Thanks alot for the quick response. In terms of a 4-channel mic pre, any suggestions. I dont want to go too big on this, but I also never want to buy piss quality...