appalled by Ghostbusters reboot, and just learned some more bs


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
I'm sure there are a few Ghostbusters fans around here. I was born in '82 and my family got our first VCR along with Ghostbusters, Batman, Roger Rabbit when I was like 6 years old. This was an amazing time for me.

Reading (and seeing some pics) of this new Ghostbusters movie with all female cast just grinds my gears horribly.

And just now I discovered there will be a Stephen King's 'IT' remake coming October, which will have a 22 year old actor playing Pennywise.


Die hard GB fan since a kid. Totally on board with the new movie. Bill wants nothing to do with it, Harold died, Ernie is a whiny bitch about the whole thing. It's really Dan's baby, and the fact they got it turned over to an SNL crew like the first movie was makes me excited. I personally love McKinnon, Wiig and I think Jones has been great last two seasons of SNL. Don't care for McCarthy but I'm not going to judge till I see it. If it's at all like the first movie, you are going to get so much stuff that is improve or actors feeding off each other. Most of the first GB film was half-assed bullshitted thru which is why it's the better of the two with it's charm.
I read today that $3billion is spent each year making film trailers. Most of the money being spent on movies is being spent on sequels and remakes. Seems like film studios like to turn out movies that people are already familiar with. This is fascinating sociologically.

However, I fear that this spells doom for the film industry because the quality of movies is dwindling as time goes on. I find shitty 80s movies to be more thoughtful and enjoyable than most of the movies coming out these days.
I mean, the second Ghostbusters is pretty shitty and the animated show wasn't great either. Movies are moneymaking ventures. Reboots and sequels are going to happen unless, like with Back to the Future, somebody got lucky and has all the rights. I think it has a chance to be very funny, but I'm not banking on it.
Just saw a picture of the line up. Boooooooooooooo. That said, who knows? At least Ultraman is back.

Fun fact. I got to play with some of the set toys (cars, cabs, ext) from GB when I was a kid. My best friends, at the time, dad was one of the dudes who worked on that.
Just saw a picture of the line up. Boooooooooooooo. That said, who knows? At least Ultraman is back.

Fun fact. I got to play with some of the set toys (cars, cabs, ext) from GB when I was a kid. My best friends, at the time, dad was on of the dudes who worked on that.

That's pretty awesome!!
I'll definitely see it, but my expectations aren't set too high. I've rarely seen a sequel that lives up to the magic of the first film. Too many expectations. The first one was incredible. Speaking of which, anybody seen "Joe Dirt 2 - Beautiful Loser"? :D holy good god!
haha, I've not seen the new Mad Max. Are you taking about Charlize Theron? Because she usually looks more than great. Except in the Aileen Wuornos movie, that was some crazy makeup or whatever they had going on. :Spin:
Loved the first Ghostbuster.. The second one wasn't as good, but it had it's moments and was very quotable..

Todays movies can't do what they did back then when they weren't so fucking scared of offending people.. Do you think there will be a ghost sex scene in this one, like the old one? No way..
My biggest fear, and what I'm 99% sure they'll do, is that they feel that they have to change the formula because it's women (which they don't)..
The guys were nerdy scientist bachelors weirdos.. Ray even fucked the pink slime.. :D
Now I'm sure because it's women they have to be all quirky and shit and the comedy is going to feel forced..
I dunno.. if they don't force it and dare to take risks then it might be good.. but yeah.. the next I'm going to the bathroom I might piss chocolate milk.. probably not though..

Favourite Ghostbusters is Winston Zeddemore!
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I saw this trailer before. I'm also well aware of the whole SJW, feminist and MRA thing going on. They all sound nuts to me. It is kinda crazy that *these* feminist have any influence on media these days because they sound completely crazy to me. Not that the dudes on the other side sound any better though.

Anyways, enough of that before the thread just goes in another direction altogether. ;)

Oh by the way, that trailer sucks but one day I'll watch anyways. I'll never pay for it though.
Ugliest cunts I ever seen. how about that bald dyke from the new Mad Max?

See what's happening here?
Feminazi bullshit took over the hollywood.

lol yeah, god forbid major motion pictures have anything other than a white male lead, might give other types of people role models and positive social reinforcement in the media, and nobody wants that shit amirite
lol yeah, god forbid major motion pictures have anything other than a white male lead, might give other types of people role models and positive social reinforcement in the media, and nobody wants that shit amirite

Poor other types of people,so misrepresented in today's media,dare I say oppressed