Apparently 3 day weekends are banned at Gibson

I'm glad I never bought and will never buy a Gibson guitar. I did not know about that crazy CEO. The worst is, my ex company was run by someone even worse than that, and who became billionaire in substance while half his employees are absolutely unhappy. I wish hell existed because there would definitely be a special place in hell for these people.
I was going to post this earlier but considered the potential shitstorm that might occur haha.

Personally I hate Gibson and would never play one of their guitars. The CEO rallying republicans around him when they broke the Lacey Act was just insane.
Not a fan of Henry. He is out of touch with what people want and I don't get it. Stupid kunt doesn't even play guitar.

Just slap together a chunk of wood with a good neck on it and price it accordingly (the new prices are super WTF material).

BUT NO we get chambered bullshit wrapped in ugly and tied off with tech we don't need or want. The dusk tiger is a great example of Henry's stupidity.

If I ever consider a gibby, it won't be anything from the last 15 years that's for certain.
Sounds like the employee and the CEO were both acting pretty unprofessionally, but the CEO's reply reveals what an asshole and bad manager he is. Basing company-wide HR and vacation policy on the behavior of one employee you don't like is absolutely insane. What a turd.
^ In my experience, when the company does not treat you well or denies your simple rights, you cannot not act unprofessionnally at times. If the absolute only way to go to the wedding of your best bro is to call sick, sometimes you have to. I say that, because that's how things were in my previous employer. It is maybe an unprofessional employee, or maybe he just has the balls the others don't to say a little "fuck you" when the management is going too far. Especially when enforcing illegal things regarding the labour laws etc.
Well I've only ever bought used/vintage Gibson's before....
And that sure as hell is gonna continue.

What would I rather for the same price or in a lot of cases LESS, A new horrible finish with a chambered body, nasty woods, random electronics. OR a nice 1970/80s/90's/00s well made instrument...

Not a difficult decision really is it....
I'm all Fender these days anyhow. Well made guitars, sound great; reasonably priced.