Appearance of Nothing


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
I missed the boat on these guys evidently. I checked them out based on this post from Random Axe over at the PM Board:

"Appearance of Nothing/Wasted Time - This really surprised me with its quality songwriting and overall vibe. Imagine taking the best parts of some Scandanavian/Euro prog bands like ChromeShift, Vanden PLas and maybe Superior and mix in a dose of Savatage's Wake of Magellan for theatricality. This is highly melodic, theatrical and classy. THe piano parts interspersed with guitars is awesome. They use two vocalists on this, one sounds like Zak Stevens and the other is more of a typical prog metal singer. Very, very good stuff. It's hard to find, though... "

I especially like the Conception style shotgun riffing.
I missed the boat on these guys evidently. I checked them out based on this post from Random Axe over at the PM Board:

"Appearance of Nothing/Wasted Time - This really surprised me with its quality songwriting and overall vibe. Imagine taking the best parts of some Scandanavian/Euro prog bands like ChromeShift, Vanden PLas and maybe Superior and mix in a dose of Savatage's Wake of Magellan for theatricality. This is highly melodic, theatrical and classy. THe piano parts interspersed with guitars is awesome. They use two vocalists on this, one sounds like Zak Stevens and the other is more of a typical prog metal singer. Very, very good stuff. It's hard to find, though... "

I especially like the Conception style shotgun riffing.

Savatage...Zak Stevens you say....I'll check it out! :kickass:

I have both of their cd's, great band but I had to order my cd through Wishing Well Entertainment, no one else seems to carry it.
Wow, this is really tasty, nice chunk. I dont how it got by me the first time around. Coming from Glenn you never know if it is going to sound like the bastard child of Buffet and Bon Jovi. Thanks for the heads up.

Big Daddy
I've only heard the few tracks on MySpace, but very interested in finding at least the latest CD.

I love finding these threads though. Otherwise, I would have missed this band..... Sort of like Seventh Wonder. I had heard nothing till the PP announcement, and now in regular rotation.
Just received their latest cd, along with a nice email from one of the band members. I think this sound really good. Maybe the ballads aren't too strong but who cares ! ;-)