Apple "Genius"

Dec 28, 2002
Just picked up my ('07) MBP from a free repair (they replaced both of my noisy fans).

Genius: "Wow these older models are heavy compared to the new ones."
Me: "Yeah. I guess they were able to save a lot of weight by getting rid of all those dumb ports."

I feel pretty silly typing that but I also thought it was a pretty wicked nerd burn and I might actually find an audience to appreciate it here. I probably shouldn't make fun though since this is the second time they've replaced something that was annoying but not actually broken.
you got two fans replaced for a '07 MBP? awesome

Apple owns, although not for removing firewire ports, you're right.

I have a MacBook, and IIRC the MacBook models after this one didn't even have one FW port. Weird shit is weird.