Appreciate longevity in a a band! Long Live Anthrax!

Iron Horse

Net Roadie
Jun 12, 2002
Inverell, NSW, Australia
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I don't know how many of you realise that a band of this age is something to really appreciate. I couldn't care less how the new album sounds, I just know I'll love it because it's from a bunch of guys that have inspired metal and music for, not years, but decades. To me that's something special and I fucken love that!

We've seen the end of Megadeth after 19 years due to Mustaine's tendon problem in his arm, which is very sad, because they were hitting a peak as far as band line-ups go.

We've seen Metallica fall to Hetfield's love of country music, yet their sales soar due to naive pop music punters with no appreciation of talented musicianship.

Alas, Iron Maiden have sustained their status from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal of being true pioneers of rock and roll. Bruce Dickinson can be contributed to much of that because people loved his voice and loved the sound of Steve Harris' songwriting and production.

Slayer, still selling but with no direction, only a hardcore base of fans which is unfortunate.

These are the big bands of the last 2 decades and this is what has happened.

Anthrax, it is true to say, are in the same position as Slayer only they have better direction. It is a shame a group of very talented musicians with excellent skills can be held back by music marketing wrangles and lack of proper promotion... e.g

(As of John Bush's entry)

Sound of White Noise - brilliant, sold well, great.

Stomp 442 - best album I've heard from any band in years. A few ads in metal magazines and that's it - absolutely no marketing whatsoever. General metal lovers did not know Anthrax had an album out at all.

Volume 8 - Much the same. No marketing.

Let's hope the next album is marketed to the point where everyone knows that Anthrax has worked their ass off to make music for the world to enjoy.

It could be worse. There's a band in nearby New Zealand called Shihad that, after years of hard work building a name for themselves, had to change their name after September 11, 2001 to Pacifier because of the reference to holy war.

Grateful that Anthrax did not have to do the same considering the events that unfolded in the US in the aftermath.

Cheers all,

Richard Dean
Great Post!!!

I was 15 fuckin years old when I bought "Fistful of Metal" and now, 18 years later........I will look like a 9 year old girl at an N'Sync concert when I finally get my hands on the "We've Come for You All"......I will be screaming and crying......the mall security guards are going to have to drag me out of the music store I'll be in such hysteria......

Twenty years of great fucking metal......I for one, am very gratefeful.
Nice post, Iron Horse. I agree with what you said, except I LOVE SLAYER! I think Slayer and Anthrax both have direction.

I think I'll buy 2 copies of "We've Come For You All". :headbang:
I think Slayer should be credited for NOT selling out. At no point has this been an issue with Slayer and never will be. They have bounced between high points in their career...Reign in Blood, Seasons and God Hates Us All. The only problem I have with Slayer is trying to convince younger fans that Reign in Blood is their best album and not God Hates Us all which shows the impact it has had on younger generations. Slayer are the kings of thrash and always will be.

As far as Anthrax goes why they are not HUGE is a myth to me and most Anthrax fans. But to hell with the rest of them we listen to Anthrax and feel special for it, the rest can listen to all the crap thats out just now and never appreciate it.

Long live Anthrax

Yes Armored Thrax, hahahaha, I know exactly what you mean. Myself and 6 mates went ot see Anthrax play in Wollongong, Australia a few years back, and we were all ecstatic. They came on and opened with Randon Acts... and 1500 people all jumped up and down at the same time to the opening beat. I foolishly took a beer in with me to the mosh pit and jumped also. Next gulp I took was froth. Everyone around me was soaked 30 seconds into the gig! A mate of mine made it to the front and was waving his arm around going "Bushy Bushy" and he leant down and bit his hand... HAHAHAHA! He came stumbling out to the carpark after the gig and told us. You should've seen the bitemark! Bush's got some solid fangs there I can tell ya! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

The funny thing about the experience of that gig was that we went to the kiosk / eatery window inside the venue and ordered some hot dogs. We left and started eating them and my best mate says "Fuck, I think I know who that was!".
"We were just served hotdogs from Paul Crook!"
We went back and said "Hey, you're Paul Crook right?"
Fuck... the guy was serving food to fans.... no one esle spotted him.... I'd never seen a photo of him but knew all his solos and parts he played on Stomp from the cover, so I was stoked to put a face to it all.
So we gave him a bit of a cheers and said thanks for the good music and left it at that. That was great.

Another good experience of that night:

Mike Muir's band Cyco Miko (I think that's how it's spelt - I couldn't really give a shit if it's not, he's a wanker)... opened the gig and they were shit!

But the funny thing was, after Anthrax closed we started stumbling out the front door and there he was siging autographs. There was only about 12 or so people near him and I couldn't help myself...

I yelled out "Hey Mike, what happened with you and Dave Mustaine on the Clash of the Titans Tour? I heard he smacked you good!"

He stopped a signature halfway through and looked me straight in the eye and said "Nothin man'! Nothin!". Really defensively.
As I was laughing my head off walking away I yelled "Why didn't you join the tour group photos then eh?"
And then he starts yelling "You got a problem man? Fuck off!"
I was in tears all night after that.... I really never understoods his shitty bad boy fucken dish cloth image thing and it made me feel greta to piss him off.

The story goes that him and Mustaine had a blue backstage because Mustaine questioned their professionalism and ability. So a scuffle broke out and Mustaine split Muir's nose open, only a small gash but enough to damage his ego obviously. The report I read said that Tom Araya came in to break it up and Muir took a swing at him and Araya gave him one aswell. Eventually the fact is he refused to be photographed for the big tour photo of Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies.

What a laugh!

But fuck that would have been a show! 4 bands for the price of 1!
(Can't wait for the new album!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone know the release date)

Iron Horse
Yeah, not many bands from today will be around as long as Slayer or Megadeth or Anthrax. Do you think Limp Biscuit will be around in 20 years? Or Static-X or,The Strokes? Whats amazing is how Overkill can still be in the game and really have never had a huge success.
Originally posted by Iron Horse

We've seen the end of Megadeth after 19 years due to Mustaine's tendon problem in his arm, which is very sad, because they were hitting a peak as far as band line-ups go.

We've seen Metallica fall to Hetfield's love of country music, yet their sales soar due to naive pop music punters with no appreciation of talented musicianship.

Alas, Iron Maiden have sustained their status from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal of being true pioneers of rock and roll. Bruce Dickinson can be contributed to much of that because people loved his voice and loved the sound of Steve Harris' songwriting and production.

Slayer, still selling but with no direction, only a hardcore base of fans which is unfortunate.

These are the big bands of the last 2 decades and this is what has happened.

you forgot Pantera.

but i have to agree with your whole post. MANY good points. good job.
Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
Whats amazing is how Overkill can still be in the game and really have never had a huge success.

same with Testament and Exodus. and Motorhead.
Originally posted by Bad Mr Frosty
Well, Motorhead has enjoyed mainstream sucsess, a bit, I think.

well, not really. at least, in america. none of their albums have gone gold here yet.
iron horse the wollongong gig fucking rocked,what an opening random acts and fueled,i havent seen to many bigger moshpits!!

i read a review for there sydney gig,which i also attended and it said"it was like a slayer mosh from hell"

they hit the nail on the head there!!!!!
Mrthrax, it was an amazing show. That's the only time I ever enjoyed going to "Waves Nightclub". That place was the pits. Full of techno and dance wankers, I can't think of a more hideous breed of people.

But anyway, I loved how they just rolled into Fueled straight after Randon Acts... it was beautiful to watch. As was Charlie's drumming. In My World was a highlight too I thought.

Sorry for the delay my PC crashed, had to re-install everything again.

Does anyone out there have some Anthrax gig stories?
There's got to be some better ones than mine.


Iron Horse
We had a wonderful experience with Anthrax at the Glasgow Barrowlands in 1993.

John Bush got onto the top of the speaker stands and after repeated shouts for him to jump, he got down promising at the end he would, yeah right said the crown.

True to his word, end of the gig he got up there, removed his socks and shoes and performed a perfect swan dive from who knows how high into the crowd.

Seeing Anthrax any time is a good memory but that was an even better one!