April Fool


Customized individuum
Jan 17, 2007
I received this information from Niklas as a surprise for guessing DT's cover song for the upcoming Century Media cover album. He said I could post it here if I wished to and since you are the greatest fans you deserve to know it. It wouldn't give me much to be the only one to know it:

Dark Tranquillity not only recorded the cover song Broken by Sentenced during the week they spent in the studio but they also recorded a new EP that will be released on May, 18th. It will be called Awakening of Senses. The songs are currently in the production process.
Also on sale: The whole boxershort collection which were supposed to have Fiction written on the backside in a circle, but they put in an r.
Needs a better title. For sham Matse. Three words is much more than what they usually use. "Akenin" would have been much more appropriate.

It is an EP not an album. DT EP (and MCD) titles are usually longer than album titles:
A Moonclad Reflection
Trail of Life Decayed
Of Chaos and eternal Night
Enter suicidal Angels
Lost to Apathy

Average EP title length: 3.6 words.


Much better than last year's April Fools' joke. :lol:

What was last year's joke?

edited in shame.
It is an EP not an album. DT EP (and MCD) titles are usually longer than album titles:
A Moonclad Reflection
Trail of a Life Decayed
Of Chaos and eternal Night
Enter suicidal Angels
Lost to Apathy

Average EP title length: 3.8 words.

You forgot Focus Shift (considered an EP by Metal Archives, so that's what I'm going by - I guess it could be considered a single, but, meh, that wouldn't suit the purposes of my argument at all! so it must be an EP), so your average is inflated. The real average is 3.3 repeating which rounds down to three, which rounds down to two, which rounds down again to one. And, in short, I'm right.

oww, my pride...
You forgot Focus Shift (considered an EP by Metal Archives, so that's what I'm going by - I guess it could be considered a single, but, meh, that wouldn't suit the purposes of my argument at all! blah, blah, blah. I am stupid.

oww, my short penis...

http://darktranquillity.com/music/index.html said:
FOCUS SHIFT - single 2007
century media records

I am sorry, no matter how hard you try. I am superior. :p
Trail of a Life Decayed

Col. Matse, that is unexcusable. I'm afraid you've doomed us. You've doomed us all.

Trail of life decayed -- Trail of a life decayed
A moonclad reflection -- One moonclad reflection
Of chaos and eternal night -- Have we ever had a nice little chat on the subject of chaos and a night that lasts longer than you could conceive?
Enter suicidal angels -- Hey, hello there supernatural beings with a less-than healthy attitude towards life! Why don't you come inside, it's warm and there's candybars and stuff.
Lost to apathy -- Today I feel so blue I don't really have the strength to keep fighting this useless battle. What's it all for anyway? Don't you ever think it's better to sit down and do nothing at all, let ourselves drown in this deluge of pointless information coming from the TV set, the Internet and whatnot? Because this is exactly how I've been feeling of late, as if everything I ever cared about was lost to the smothering abyss of what, for lack of a better word, we could call apathy.
Col. Matse, that is unexcusable. I'm afraid you've doomed us. You've doomed us all.

Arrrgh, I can't believe I forgot to correct it. I saw the mistake when I was writing the post but then I forgot about it. That definitely is embarrassing. Erm, I mean it was test for all of you. Everyone here except our noble hero and moderator Rhavin should be embarrassed.
Today I feel so blue I don't really have the strength to keep fighting this useless battle. What's it all for anyway? Don't you ever think it's better to sit down and do nothing at all, let ourselves drown in this deluge of pointless information coming from the TV set, the Internet and whatnot? Because this is exactly how I've been feeling of late, as if everything I ever cared about was lost to the smothering abyss of what, for lack of a better word, we could call apathy.
Couldn't have said it better myself. Definitely beats waking up at 6am every day and falling dead (sorry, i meant asleep) by 10pm every night.