April Fool's Day!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
Don't let anyone wig you out too much today! :err:

What kinds of cruel jokes has anyone had pulled on them as an April Fool's prank? Or anyone have any good suggestions? hehehehe.
when i was younger i short sheeted my brothers bed and put soap on his candy. my favorite was when i entered "frontal lobotomy" on his little league medical release. :lol: his coach called my mom and asked if he really belonged out on the field! ahahahahahaha! that still cracks us up today!
I had a good customer of mine drop off his trailer, and he gave me his spare keys, which included the spare remote to his trucks alarm system, which he always does. While he was trying to pull away in his truck, I was standing behind the mirrored glass window thats in the front of the shop, pushing buttons on his remote, killing his engine. It must have killed it at least 6 times before my service manager asked me what I was doing, and another 3 times before he could see what was happening, stop laughing, and then tell me to stop! It was probably the funniest thing I have done in years, and had wanted to do for the year or so he has been coming in and giving me that particular set of keys. Of course I told the customer when he returned what I had done....he got this really pissed look on his face, but then laughed and said, "Well, it is April 1st, isn't it?". I am really kinda scared about what he is going ot do next year if he remembers.....
One April Fools my brother changed all the sugar in the sugar-canister (you know, like flour canisters, ect) with salt.

The problem is he forgot. About a month later my parents were hosting a dinner party, and part of the desert was angel food cake with strawberries and whipcream....guess what ended up going into the whipcream INSTEAD of sugar? Talk about salty white stuff...yeck!

Sorry for dropping the ball this year! I've made it a point to put up some cute post every year (anyone remember Eddie joins Maidens, Iron Maiden in shock?), but spaced doing it this year until it was too late!

Anyways, Salt Lake City Weekly had this on their Best Of Utah 2004 list (which UtahMetal.com is on BTW - I'm still floored about that one!).


Elvis at Zephyr Club

The closing of the Zephyr Club was mourned by many as the loss of one of downtown’s best live music venues, but stunned onlookers might have considered it all worth the impromptu performance they received on Nov. 1, 2003. People walking past the just-shuttered club stopped when they heard a familiar voice. Upon peering through the doors, they saw the apparition of Elvis Presley performing “Are You Lonesome Tonight?” “It was definitely him, in the big white suit and everything,” claimed Rachel Flittersen of Lehi. “I guess he’s really dead after all.” The King is dead, indeed—but not gone.