April Fools?


gimme my key bitch!
Apr 10, 2005
Any of you guys get any good April Fools on your friends and/or family?

and if not, share stories of your past or of things people you know did.
So some guy gets in a horrible car accident with his wife, and when he wakes up in the hospital the doctor says "I'm sorry to tell you this but your wife is in pretty bad shape. She's in a coma and if she ever comes out of it, she will likely be in a wheelchair and will need constant care because she has suffered a lot of brain damage." "Oh no, that's horrible..." the man says. So the doctor says "I'm just kidding, she's dead."
NADatar said:
So some guy gets in a horrible car accident with his wife, and when he wakes up in the hospital the doctor says "I'm sorry to tell you this but your wife is in pretty bad shape. She's in a coma and if she ever comes out of it, she will likely be in a wheelchair and will need constant care because she has suffered a lot of brain damage." "Oh no, that's horrible..." the man says. So the doctor says "I'm just kidding, she's dead."

that joke was acted out on family guy once...
I got a fucking DUI and got hit my head smashed by a trucks rear view mirror last night/this morning. April-fucking-fools. (not a joke, really happend, really sucks).