Aqua teen hunger force movie holy shit


Jun 27, 2004
have any of you seen this yet? i just saw it today and thought it was fucking hilarious, especially the beginning i thought i was going to die i was laughing so hard. anyone who has seen it, did you like it? thoughts?
Hilarious indeed, especially the beginning which was by far the best part. I couldn't stay in my seat during the beginning.
its worth driving to a far away theater for, its just that amazing. also it helps if you've seen most of the episodes, the person i went with hadn't and missed a few funny things.
its worth driving to a far away theater for, its just that amazing. also it helps if you've seen most of the episodes, the person i went with hadn't and missed a few funny things.

well then i am all set!

the theater here does have the movie poster up...but i doubt they will get it, but im gonna get that huge movie poster though....cause its kick ass.
Man, I laughed so hard at the beginning that it actually hurt....Wasn't Mastodon the band that played the song?