AR80's - Help me make those Cymbals sound better


New Metal Member
Mar 27, 2014
First off, this is Abbey Road Drummer 80's. Which is a virtual instrument.
It's a 4GB sampled Drum with overheads, room and recorded studio quality.
Unfortunately the preset's it comes with suck.
I will usually process those drums further during mixing. But I need a good solid Drum sound

Here are two Bars of casual Rock groove, followed by four Bars of open Hi-Hat 8ths, each rendered trough a different Preset.

  • Initial Drumset without any processing at all. All Faders up. :err:
Initial Drumsound

  • The Drumset with a preset named "Heavy Metal". Those drums might sit well in a mix. But look at the definiton of the Snare and the Kick, they are basically invisible. :guh:
Preset: Heavy Metal

See, the HiHat/Overhead sounds very muffled, like "Flaff, Fliff, Flaff, Fliff". As if someone put a handkerchief on the Cymbal-Parts.
I want them to sound more like "pling, zing, sing me a song". A little bit more like a clear bell.

  • My own preset. Added a lot of middles to Snare, more bottom to the Kick. Now there's the definition I requested. But I keep struggling with the Cymbals/HiHat/Overheads Mix.
My own Preset

Maybe someone can throw me an idea.
This would surely help me out a lot.