Arabic Music Educational Website

Yea I like the Arabic undertones to some Iron Maiden songs, such as, The Nomad or Powerslave. How about the Jewish music though, they got some great stuff, like the fiddler on the roof.
RoboCaster said:
Yea I like the Arabic undertones to some Iron Maiden songs, such as, The Nomad or Powerslave. How about the Jewish music though, they got some great stuff, like the fiddler on the roof.

Fiddler on the Roof... Wasn't "If I Were a Rich Man" borrowed from quite heavily by Gwen Stephani recently? Not exactly my cup of tea as far as music goes, but the reference jogged my memory.
BassPhantom said:
Fiddler on the Roof... Wasn't "If I Were a Rich Man" borrowed from quite heavily by Gwen Stephani recently? Not exactly my cup of tea as far as music goes, but the reference jogged my memory.

Yes actually I was referring to the movie “Fiddler on the Roof”, but you know what heavy metal teachers end up doing when they get bored running up and down the neck with scales in one key or the other; they go take jazz lessons, like gypsy jazz which I guess got it’s roots from Jews that migrated to India and then spread out to Europe from there.