arabs can be metalheads as well


New Metal Member
Aug 15, 2008
kingdom of heaven
hey, im blood bride, im tunisian, many of you might have never heard of this country, im arabian, proud of being one.
i love metal music, many arabs do as well; my favorite bands are, dark tranquillity, epica, anathema, my dying bride, empyrium, orphaned land, opeth... my favorite song is ANGELICA; anathema.
ther are many arabic metal bands and they are all awesome, i might introduce them later, sometime else.:kickass:
Welcome Blood Bride! :wave:

I'm a big fan of the Prog Metal group Myrath from your country. :headbang:

really???? im glad you are, there are so many awesome groups other than myrath in fact but i'm glad you like them.
P.S: tunisia is located in north africa, one of the smallest and most beautiful countries in the world.
Yeah, really.:)

They're great and I always recommend them to any Symphony X fans because they sound so similar. But honestly, I think Myrath are a bit better.

Tell us about more metal bands from your country. I'd like to check them out on Myspace if they have one.

From Canadian bands, I'd recommend to you a couple that are among my favorites of this year:

Gates Of Winter (Melodic Progressive Metal with Gothic/Symphonic influences)

Divinity (Technical Death/Thrash Metal-They're from my home city)

Both of these bands new albums are very good!:headbang:
there are many awesome tunisian bands like barzach, yram, pirania but im affraid you guys cant listen to them for they have no myspace profile and im not sure if i can find you some links, ill try, but i dont promise you, for those who would like to get to know better about these bands can contact me on msn
lool, FUCK, even cyber space is becoming too small :p

@ blood bride and ahmad: this is metallian from jorzine

at everyone else, hmm, well, i guess this is metallian from jordan, it's refreshing finding ppl interesting in middle eastern metal, for that you can always go to and read the latest updated about jordanian and middle eastern metal and rock, including reviews and interviews and everything, actually, since u were talking about myrath, here's an interview AND a review with the band:


AND btw the band is confirmed for PROGPOWER this year, for more info about this:

sorry for all the links, anyways, for more info about anything, or if u just need anything email me on