Arcana Coelestia - Ubi Secreta Colunt

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Funeral Doom on 2000 mgs of Ambien. The instruments trod along at a special olympic like speed for the most part , but are slowly bound for serenity. The tracks build up in a pressure cooker of composition that ultimately lead to chin nodding crescendos that are soup for the soul. Beautifully layered clean vox and N.A.S.A Apollo 13 keyboards enter the mix which will leave you goose stepping in the name of Allah. The geetar never gets strummed like six strings of kielbasa, it is gently caressed like Suspiria's clit at a bake sale. This shit is class people. Quite refreshing for an afternoon of waddling through shit band after shit band.

Check out the song - "Cult of Solitude"