Arch Enemy Clip: Beast of Man

Slighty buzzzzzy for mine... still pretty cool though.

hmm.. just stalking your posts at HC.. anychance you can put those mic eliminator clips back online?
Degenerate said:
Slighty buzzzzzy for mine... still pretty cool though.

hmm.. just stalking your posts at HC.. anychance you can put those mic eliminator clips back online?

I had to take them off DSP because I was out of space. I'll record some comparison clips tomorrow of the SM57, E609 and that mic eliminator and post them on HC.
Cool. I'll be getting a Fireball + either Randall XL or one of the ENGL cabs very soon.. if things go to plan.

degeneratesoul at ..if you could be bothered sending those clips.
Degenerate said:
Cool. I'll be getting a Fireball + either Randall XL or one of the ENGL cabs very soon.. if things go to plan.

degeneratesoul at ..if you could be bothered sending those clips.

Damn, actually I deleted those mic eliminator clips off my computer. I'll post new ones on HC tomorrow. I'd say you can't lose with either cab, the Randall is dark as hell, which I like. What kinda speakers are in the Engl cab, V30's or V60's?
Degenerate said:
Engl have 'Standard' cabs with V60's, and 'Vintage' with V30s.

Edit: you probably know that. I'm hoping to try both before I buy.

Yeah, I was just curious which one you were looking at. My Blackmore sounds awesome with V30's, way better than with my old VHT cab with P-50's.